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不管终结究竟是意味着新的衍生,或,仅仅是一种突然的崩溃,但有一点我们非常确定,那便是,凡事有始便有终,八月二十四日的这个星期天,奥运会就将落下帷幕,我们家作坊也将再一次支起幕布现场直播。邻居郑,周,和张都会到场,以他们的街头智慧为我们解说这一切背后的“真相”。在“盛会”终结的前两个小时,即当晚六点,北京艺术家梁越会光临直播现场来恭祝,免费发放他 “放心366天“系列的相关作品,尔后,八点,准时直播奥运会闭幕式。如果你有时间的话,就荡过来玩儿吧!

The countdown ends and begins this Sunday, August 24th, as HomeShop broadcasts the Olympic games one more time for the closing ceremonies. Neighbours Zheng and Zhou and Zhang will be on hand to tell you what it’s really all about. Also on site in the hutong will be Beijing-based artist Liang Yue for a special giveaway activity from his “Relax 366 Days” series. Liang Yue visits Xiaojingchang Hutong from 18.00, the closing ceremonies will be broadcast from 20.00. 有时间过来玩儿! (If you have time, come over and play!)

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