时间 date/time__2012 年7月14日,周六下午2点至7点
Saturday, July 14, 14.00-21.00
地点 location__家作坊 HomeShop,东城区交道口北二条8号 [地图]
Dongcheng District, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8 [map]
WaoBao!是什么? What is WaoBao! ?
家作坊将再次举办大型北京二手交换市集!在这一天,把你家淘汰下来的物品,如手机、衣服、箱包,旧家具及其它生活用品带到家作坊来,与需要它的人 交换,使你的闲置物品变成别人的宝贝,别人长期不用的东西成为你的最爱!这一天,货币不再流通,带来你的物品,做好“讨价还价”的准备!除了交换 闲置物品以外你也可以交换服务和技能,比如,用帮别人看孩子来交换非限行号车辆的一日使用权,用一顿自家做的便饭来交换网站设计。
HomeShop is again hosting our big Beijing swap meet. The purpose of the day is for you to gather everything you’ve left covered in dust in your closet and swap these things with other people who can make new use of them! Traders should bring everything from unwanted mobile phones to clothing and bicycles, and get ready to drive hard bargains. Money is no currency on this day, just bring your stuff and prepare your sharp and sparkly bargaining tongue! In addition to swapping stuff, you can also swap your skills and services, like trading babysitting time for a day’s use of a valid license plate on the right driving day, or a home-cooked meal in exchange for website design services.
Enjoy our “fair-trade” cakes and drinks from other swappers, and while you’re here, view and cast your votes for the design of a new seed exchange container, watch a few short films about how our consumer habits have created a big trash society and the few individuals who are trying to give new life to it. WaoBao! No. Two will also feature guest lectures and workshops to introduce other fresh ideas about the cycles of waste, reuse and agriculture that you can “re-cycle” at home! See the schedule as follows:
- 14:30__农业大学Tony Fuller教授发表演讲,关于近期在云南的实践
- 14:30__talk by Dr. Tony Fuller (adjunct professor, China Agricultural University) on recent agricultural practices in Yunnan
- 15:30__workshop and demonstration of hydroponic gardening with plastic bottles
- 15:30__使用塑料瓶水栽植物的工作坊和展示
- 16:30__workshop and demonstration on worm composting with mini-worm kits available for trading
- 16:30__供交易的微型蚯蚓堆肥盒制作工作坊和展示
- 17:00__workshop to make upcycled toys from used clothing and fabrics
- 17:00__使用二手服装和布料制作玩具的工作坊
- 18:00__WaoBao! auction of the super goodies with super auctioneer SHEN Bao
- 18:00__WaoBao! 超级拍卖师神包带来的精品拍卖会
逃离网络,清扫生活中的混乱。我们正接收各类赠品,以建立一个精品库。如果你有很多宝贝却没有空间存放,又想看到你的宝贝再次得到宠爱,欢迎在开 放时间内拜访家作坊,带上你的物品来换取在二手交换市集中使用的交换券。(也可以在14号当天带来你的宝贝们)!
Get off of the internet, and WaoBao the clutter in your life instead! We’re already accepting donated must-haves to develop a stockpile of treasures, so for those of you with the bounty and not the space but the desire to see things loved a second time, please drop by HomeShop during opening hours to bring items and get tickets redeemable for trade at the swap meet. (You can also bring your stuff directly on the 14th!)
第一期WaoBao!献宝兑宝活动,2012年5月12日 From WAOBAO! No. 1, 12 May 2012 (摄影 photos__Michael EDDY、何颖雅 Elaine W. HO、林苏葳 Suvi RAUTIO、王若思 Rose WANG):
WaoBao!献宝兑宝活动由马艾迪、何颖雅、Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA和曲一箴(家作坊)与林苏葳和陈曦华发起并组织。非常感谢工作坊和演讲组织者:Sarah COLOBONG、Pilar ESCUDER、Tony FULLER, 莫逆、Miranda MULLETT、神包与王子夜。
WaoBao! is organised by Suvi RAUTIO and CHEN Xihua with Michael EDDY, Elaine W. HO, Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA and Twist QU (HomeShop). Extra thank-you to workshop/lecture hosts Sarah COLOBONG, Pilar ESCUDER, Tony FULLER, MO Ni, Miranda MULLETT, SHEN Bao and WONG Ziye.
July 10th, 2012 - 20:53
[…] 建立种子库的宗旨是在社区居民的帮助下打造一个种子交换的平台以便大家在在不久的未来交换种子使用。从即日起到13日周五,目前在家作坊访问的驻地艺术家皮拉·埃斯库德(”七朵云”)公开征集种子库的标示和存贮设备设计,还有四天。本月14日周六我们举办Waobao!活动,同时所征集到的种子库样式设计将在现场展出。 […]