HomeShop recently participated in the exhibition Green Box - Remapping — The Space of Media Reality (organized by School of Intermedia Art of China Art Academy at Media City Research Center 11–29 January, 2013) with a just-in-time newspaper about the other works in the show, silkscreen-printed on-site in the exhibition space.
For the past two years, HomeShop has been investigating the ins and outs of publicness and locality through the form of newspapers, including The YellowSide Daily and Beiertiao Leaks. The intention has been to form a multi-vocal space of statement through a medium of urgency. The newspapers’ deadline forces a certain immediacy of content, in both time and place.
Greenbox Leaks is a followup on these exercises in the performance of journalism, turned toward the exploration of the context of the group exhibition in which it will appear. A team dispatched from HomeShop will document, annotate and critique the contributions by all other participants in the show, gathering meta-data, truth & rumour, and subjective interpretation into a special behind-the-scenes critical feuilleton to be printed in red ink and available for the opening. In some cases, the other participants will be offered the choice to self-critique instead of having their work subjected to the treatment of Greenbox Leaks team. Finally, our editorial comprises a self-criticism that not only infiltrates the boundaries inherent to our own undertaking, but also problematizes all future criticisms around the exhibition as a whole.

Printing past the deadline at the opening. 开幕之后的现场印刷

Fellow artist in Green Box, Liu Guoqiang, takes his criticism with admirable humour. 另一位参展艺术家刘国强带着崇拜式的幽默阅读关于他的作品的批评

The presentation also included previous editions of Beiertiao Leaks, YellowSide Daily, and 《穿》Wear journals (now available in Hangzhou while supplies last!). 展览的作品也包括前期的《北二条小报》、《黄边日报》和《穿》

Counting the hot cakes profits (1 yuan x 66 copies sold = 66 yuan!) 清点我们的收获!(1元*66份=66元!)

Read Greenbox Leaks here
See more here: 更多信息 http://weibo.com/u/3205118847?topnav=1&wvr=5&topsug=1