photos taken by GB, ME and ES along their daily route.

参与方式即在提交你的路线。Participate now by submitting your own route online at
延续了PROGRAM和Transit Lounge在2007年发起的rePLACE柏林项目,北京的活动开始于一个公共的邀请,目的是去重新认识 作为一个与日常生活经验息息相关的,对时间与场所的动态记录的城市。
任何人,只要是在北京,都可以通过标出一条每天经常走的路,并记录下沿途的固定场景或者特定时刻参与进来。只需要根据提示上传你的路线和你途中观察发现所记录下的文字、图像、视频以及/或者录音。 你也可以参与别人准备好的”组团旅行”,只需要下载任何已经上传好的PDF地图并重新体验别人每天的固定路线。
The rituals of everyday life trace regular paths along streets and through buildings, organising the solids and voids of the built environment into narratives and patterns of association. Complicated by memory and social rituals, our experience of the city is of a dynamic place, a stage for public performances and private tragedies, of significant moments and the incredibly mundane. The habits, rituals, and actions of its population, the lived experiences within the city define it as something that is always current, always in constant, random movement.
rePLACE BEIJING begins by a public invitation to reconsider the city as an active process of documenting time and place inseparable from our everyday, lived experience. Your participation is requested as a singular contribution towards an alternative, collective understanding of how the city both literally and metaphorically vibrates, or where ‘the beaten track’ runs rich with/counter to personal knowledge, memory and cultural myth.
Please join rePLACE by mapping out a frequent route from your day-to-day life. Record the regular patterns and particular moments associated with your journey, then simply follow the instructions to upload your route as well as text, images, video and/or sound documenting observations and discoveries made along the way.
Through the various stages of the project, rePLACE seeks to provide a way to understand the city, not only through its built spaces, but in the ways its residents are interacting with it in their daily lives — the routes we follow and the moments where these routes cross, overlap or run tangent to each other. This is foremost a reconsideration of history and image-making outside of our traditional understandings of these terms, where forms of heritage preservation can go beyond passive historicisation and generate living processes to actively celebrate the city-in-flux.
rePLACE柏林是一个由PROGRAM和Transit Lounge于2007年发起的项目。 2011年的rePLACE由Daniel Berndt、何颖雅与Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga组织。rePLACE柏林和rePLACE贝鲁特由Anna Lindh欧洲-地中海文化交流基金会、 阿拉伯图片基金研究中心以及PROGRAM支持。rePLACE北京由家作坊支持。 更多的信息请e-mail联系: mail[圈A]re-place[点]info。
rePLACE is a project initiated in 2007 by PROGRAM and Transit Lounge. rePLACE in 2011 is organized by Daniel Berndt, Elaine W. Ho and Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga. rePLACE BERLIN and rePLACE BEIRUT are supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation, Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development, the Arab Image Foundation and PROGRAM. rePLACE BEIJING is supported by HomeShop and PROGRAM. For more information please contact: mail[at]re-place[dot]info