一派胡言计划  party time project

直接运动联盟 Immediate Sporting Alliance

派徽 Party emblem:

派色 Party Colors:
Every color, pushed to its extreme,
in high contrast to surrounding colors.

派的名称 Party Name:
Immediate Sporting Alliance

担任职务 Name of Representative/position:
Game Face

活动年代 Years active:
1893-present (intermittent)

管辖范围 Jurisdiction:
West of West

风格 Style:
Pick Up Game

口号 Campaign Slogan:
Sports Mind Produced By Sports

宣言 Manifesto:

政治运动员是一个一八九零年前后美国人口统计构建出来的数据幽灵。 这是首次由电脑统计的人口普查。关于性、公民性、婚姻与就业状况的数据以打卡的形式输入到计算机中。与之前相比,这种计算方式在很短时间内将人口分布状况呈现在表格上,结果令人吃惊:边疆消失了。



随着时间的推移,曾经风光一时的运动员却变成了一群围在不平衡闪烁火光周围的家伙们,在山洞的内壁上幻化出外部的影像。一个女企业家联盟在一九八三年收购了这个荣光不再的残党,希望能在包括多个运动产品生产方的小商户联盟中进一步拓展或分拆。运动员变成了一种生活方式,像野人般出现在一个没有机器或稳定内部空间的世界里, 篮球与其它室内运动运动员的走红使运动产品生产方赚的盆满钵满, 同时,这些运动员也无意中为很多压迫性的口号起到推波助澜的作用(耐克最近的标语包括:“篮球不止”,“释放野兽”,“就干”,“找回咆哮”,“就是现在”,“通过干来干”等等),意义在直接之嚎叫中短路。

直接性的火炬始于美国的开荒者,后传到运动员手上。 对后者的调整与剧烈化是直接运动联盟的目标。我们希望通过发放网络化生物计量感测器与写满口号的运动服将现存的全球运动心智转化成为真正的球人,或。

我们像是形状模糊,牙牙学语的婴儿,站在镜子面前第一次审视自己。通过在线连接的计步器,脉搏检测器与植入体温表,我们将知道集体身体的边界与能力。联盟会员选择将由科学方法决定。球,地球就会跟你球! 没必要小心翼翼地走意识形态钢丝,直接站上罚球线吧!

The Immediate Sporting Alliance is a post-ideological and international formation comprised by ballers everywhere. We are at the point of transformation from huge fleshy body to self-conscious self-recognition.
The political Sportsman is a data ghost produced by the 1890 census of the United States. This was the first census to be counted by computers. Data on sex, citizenship, marital status, and employment was put into a counting machine on punch cards. This resulted in a far quicker tabulation of the population than in the previous census and returned one shocking fact: the frontier had disappeared.

It was no longer possible to draw a line between the inhabited and civilized east and the wild west. Overnight, the buffaloes and other beasts were converted from conquerable enemies into game. The sportsman soon declared himself the hunter of the game.

In his early days the sportsman won many victories. His combination of casual bravado and polemical urination were a bracing antidote to rising consumer culture. Over the course of the century, however the sportsman’s once huge mandate was reduced to a bunch of dudes clustered around the asymmetric flicker of its own apostrophe, conjuring images of an outside on the cave wall.

A league of female entrepreneurs purchased the vitiated corpse of the party in 1983, hoping to extend or subdivide this apostrophe across a coalition of small business owners including several sportswear manufacturers. The sportsman became a lifestyle; appearing, Yeti-like, in a world without machinery or fixed interior spaces, half in and half out of the forest and scrambling over boulders.

The growing popularity of basketball and other indoor sports has been a boon to sportswear manufacturers. They have enabled the sale of consensus-demanding T-shirt slogans (a recent sampling from Nike “Basketball Never Stops” “Unleash the Beast” “Just Do It” “Restore the Roar” “The Time is Now” “Do It By Doing It”). Meaning is short-circuited in a howl of immediacy.

This immediacy is the discovery of the pragmatic American frontiersman whose torch was carried by the sportsman and whose modulation and intensification is declared as the explicit program of the Immediate Sporting Alliance. We are distributing networked biometric sensors and sloganbearing sweat-wicking clothing in order to transform the already existent global Sportsmind into a true player, known as Gameface.

We are formless, mute, infant seeing his face in the mirror for the first time. Through internet-enabled pedometers, heart rate monitors and embedded thermometers we will know the edges and the capacities of our collective body. Membership in the alliance is scientifically determined. Ball, and the globe balls with you! There is no need to toe an ideological line. Step up to the free throw line!

记表号 Registration number: 009

日期 Date: 14/08/2013