一派胡言计划  party time project


派徽 Party emblem:

派色 Party Colors:
Sky Blue, Silver

派的名称 Party Name:

担任职务 Name of Representative/position:
The Representative of Upward Thinking

活动年代 Years active:
present – the future

管辖范围 Jurisdiction:
Above ground floor

风格 Style:
Skybound Tabula Rasa

口号 Campaign Slogan:
The only way is UP!

宣言 Manifesto:

1. 当自然环境急速恶化、变得越发不适合人类栖居的时候,我们只能向上!我们的“向上计划”将把成千上万的人召集起来,在地球表面留下一个面积约为平米的脚印。我们将变得无 比轻盈,不再为濒死的地球增加负担。让那些紧贴地表不放的地行孙们永远活在扼杀地球生命的负罪感中吧,未来的方向是无限上升的。

2. 向上党对那些力争上游的人们承诺一个更加美好而光明的未来。脱离了旧世界可怖的横向暴政,我们 调整精确、控制到位的纵向环境将构成未来文明社会的基础。

3. 社会与文化的新形式将相继出现,我们将在不断向上奋斗的同时与地行孙陈旧停滞的文化划清界限。 甚至纵向生长的人类也将成为向上文化的一部分。


1. At a time when our world is becoming less and less hospitable, when the environment is deteriorating at such rapid speeds, we must build up! In our proposed ‘Project UP’ tens of thousands of people will together leave a footprint of less than 1000m2 on the earth’s surface. We will be light and no longer burden our dear dying earth, whilst those in their surface-hugging dwellings will live forever with the guilt of suffocating earth’s life. The future is up.

2. The UP PARTY guarantees a new and bright future for all those who aspire Upwards. Fine tuned and controlled vertical environments, sheltered from the horrors of the old-world’s horizontal, will form the bedrock of a brand new, glitteringly civilised society.

3. New communities and new modes of culture will emerge, a break from the stagnating cultures of the earth-dwellers, as we continue to build and strive Upwards. Every Upwards oriented human will form a component of the promising new UP culture. The UP PARTY will deliver your future. The only way is UP!

记表号 Registration number: 005

日期 Date: 02/08/2013