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国际大缝隙——香港和深圳之间的口岸,或在所有的国与国之间,区与国之间的那些转换地,也就是那些既不属于此国也不属于彼国的国际空间,有时候只是几栋楼房的距离而已。那些有限的 “ 之间 ” 和 “ 飘地 ” 。


或许有一天,我们应该在不同的“ 国际缝隙 ”中同时穿梭,算好时差,带着气球。

5 Responses to “我们落地了,但我们在哪儿?”

  1. e


  2. i-so-late-神

    a double letter

    there are two ways to get to hongkong from shenzhen one goes through a senseless building and gets stamped senseless(ly)…ric tells me nothing is better than love r the sea way from me Chanism of the “or” yo,no? Mat to Poe, I as lap!!

    clue: the public and the private are marked by ‘the suspension of being’ that renders communication possible.

  3. e

    you mean the ‘threshold’ between public and private, don’t you? why does it have to be a question of difference (phallic)? what about adjacency and compassion? two days ago i went through the queue for “chinese nationals” for the first time. no stamp, just a show of returning to the homeland. anti-climax can be relief…

  4. ling

    对!生活就是这样,充满了各种各样的“大缝隙”。“ 为什么我跟你是朋友,为了让大家都高兴就必须喜欢你喜欢的东西呢?”比如“ 性感女人”。e , 你只是表达了你的真实想法和态度。而在你和曲哥之间本身就存在着囊括了性别,身份,东西方等诸多方面的差异。
    “ 你不能把蛋糕吃了再拥有它 ”( You can’t eat the cake and have it too )。生活总是无法两全,有什么关系呢。

  5. e
