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did you give me this text? not sure anymore… but it’s a beautiful one about asia art identity modernity

yesterday I have watched a nice movie about cities in china… “metropolis-report from china” a kind of remake of metropolis (1922). i met the two authors, they are very “fresh”.

2 Responses to “the thermocline of art”

  1. e

    i didn’t give you this text, i think… but would like very much to hear more! have you seen the film 苹果 released last year? English title is “Lost in Beijing”. It’s a very very Beijing kind of story, interesting in the sense that these characters are almost stereotypes of certain types you will find here, and that makes them all victims of a system. Not a bad film, also left me kind of sad, the “没办法”, “无奈” kind of thing…

  2. e

    (and by the way… got most everything up! heh heh…we are back finally, only lost a few comments i think that i forgot to copy over, but otherwise let’s reroll beijing-side!) (hoo-rah)