We are interested in the production of the commons at the same time that we understand the current impossibility of completely freeing questions of sustainability from commercialisation. This is the beginning of a series that models without being a model, a working that is thinking or process—an attempt to address the scripts and imbalances that define most of our daily relations in an era of late capitalism. Are we makers or audiences? Neighbours or friends—buyers or sellers? To consider such relations in a mutually beneficial and non-hierarchical manner is to examine the commons from another perspective, to find and enact the not fully scripted.
SERVICE N° 001:共享工作空间 shared workspace
SERVICE N° 002:一个鼓励吸烟者多琢磨过去的时代和遗迹的创意抽烟区 a smoking area featuring vintage postcards sent from Italy, displayed to encourage the smoking individual to take a moment and reflect on the passing of time and the beauty of ruins
SERVICE N° 003:工作时死皮剥落服务 while-you-work natural cat lick exfoliating
SERVICE N° 004:家作坊自烤的面包和酱 home-baked bread and spreads
SERVICE N° 005:“外地”扎活,“本地”看客 ‘outside’ labour, ‘local’ onlooking
SERVICE N° 006:复印打印扫描 printing/photocopying/scanning
SERVICE N° 007:跟磨刀师傅砍价 bargaining with the knife sharpener
SERVICE N° 008:简单插花道 simple ikebana
March 22nd, 2011 - 22:49
are we automatically valorizing the non-hierarchical? i recall deleuze, guattari, delanda et al. warning us against that very thing, no?
March 22nd, 2011 - 22:59
很丰富呀 哈哈!
March 23rd, 2011 - 15:39
@sportsbabel: i’ve had a lot to fight against hierarchically speaking, so yes, perhaps this is a mistake. your recollections are unknown references though, so please do enlighten!
@yinan: 还有还有,哈哈!请关注!
March 25th, 2011 - 00:51
We are valorizing this non-hierarchical.
March 25th, 2011 - 02:43
shoot, am away at a conference and don’t have sources with me, but the Delanda piece (which is all based in D+G) refers to meshworks and hierarchies and to be careful not to favour one too much over the other. perhaps a browse around here might be of interest:
michael: excellent addendum. :)