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thank you for these thoughts. there is something very subtle. i’m not sèure that i’m grasping all the layers of meaning. i found it very inspiring.

i like the idea of the tremblement. it is one of our disjunctures, again. [i tried to translate this word in french, but it doesn’t exist. doesn’t even exist in the english dictionary. as if this absence could signify, already, what it means.

i like the idea of 这是我的北京. see the city as a collection of ‘my beijing’s. but when and where does that become our beijing? and what is the tremor, when and where does it happen? how?

public as a vision but also as the place where all the private imaginaire are shared, collective experience, the feeling of sharing a common ground

i feel in the mood for exploring those tremors. when public becomes private and private becomes public. exploring the content of private and public, but also the subtle lines that divide them and the moments, when the lines are blurred

the city produces imaginaires.–and in turn is shaped by these millions of imaginaires..how does that work? which objects, what situations, which moments?

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