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Dear Happy Friends,

Please join us on

Sunday, December 30
5:00pm at HomeShop

to continue our reading of Claire BISHOP’s Artificial Hells. After a meandering discussion of participation, audience, spectatorship, and of course the shifting roles of the artist, viewer, and curator, we will together discuss Chapter 9: ‘Pedagogic Projects: How do you bring a classroom to life as if it were a work of art?’ In this chapter, Bishop takes up recent discussions of the mobilization of education by artists. Bishop unpacks the “educational turn,” first theorized by Irit Rogoff in e-flux journal, using case studies and providing a thorough reading of different theories of education from Schiller to Freire to Ranciere. As it is the last chapter, it might be fitting to skim the Conclusion as well and test the arguments Bishop has made against our own practices and those we encounter in Beijing.

Please send us an e-mail or leave a comment to this post in order to receive a copy of the reading.

2 Responses to “Happy Friends: ‘Pedagogic Projects: How do you bring a classroom to life as if it were a work of art?’”

  1. sportsbabel

    Would love a long-distance copy, please!! :)

  2. doug lewis

    by “bring a classroom to life” is the question better put somehow as “activate a classroom”? I think the question may be best put as “how do you bring life into art -as the best learning is activated through life experiences.

    I think the best way is to not do ” it ” in classrooms.