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Lost Subject No. 25: the adolescent 王星超 Wang Xingchao
Discovered Missing: approximately 3–4 years ago
Location Lost: HomeShop (Xiaojingchang hutong)
Location Found: Mao’er Hutong Park, every day

“Hey, I know your face! I could swear that I have met you before!”
“Did you ever live on Xiaojingchang Hutong?”
“No, never.”
“But I know your face. I have seen you before. I just have this memory of you hanging out on the street practicing 快板 (bamboo clappers).”
“Oh, well I used to live near here.”
“I used to live up on Xiaojingchang for a little while.”
“What! You just said you didn’t! It really is you! So, do you remember this place with a shopfront and this girl 何颖雅 Elaine W. Ho who made projects who lived there?”
“Yeah, I remember.”
“It was called HomeShop.”
“That’s right, HomeShop.”
“And that guy with the beard, 曲一镇 Qu Yizhen?”
“Yeah, I remember.”
“And a young guy with glasses, 欧阳潇 Ouyang Xiao?”
“No, I don’t remember him.”
“It still exists, it is on Jiaodaokou Beiertiao. You should come by!”
“You still make events? I could come and do a dance performance. Take my number.”
“Great. So are you in university now, how old are you?”
“No, I am working. I am 19. I work with part of the police.”
“And you do this too, this dancing? How often are you here?”
“Yes, this is what I do now. I am at this park every day. And sometimes performing.”
“Are you waiting for your friends to come? It’s a group?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“By the way, what is this dance called?”
“This is called 鬼步舞 (Melbourne Shuffle).”

*Originally shutting off Xingchao’s music to stretch, once warmed up this elder gentleman began shuffling along as well. It seems many people have found ghost-dancing useful in their own daily lives.

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