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Seven one-on-one recorded dialogues between HomeShop organizers took place in the autumn of 2014, to accompany and reflect on some of the objects included in the 「我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat」 archive. Topics included: the question of rules as a common ground, the initiation and dissolution of artist projects, community-based participatory art vs. community-based social work, art as service, finding one’s role within the open platform and the role of a dead cat in democracy.

关于民主,怎么埋猫 about democracy and how to bury a cat
关于饮食和“在一起”性的实验 about eating together and being together, the experiment
关于家作坊“万物库”和服务 about the HomeShop “Ten Thousand Item Treasury” and service
关于规则和伦理关系 about the rules and ethics of self-organization
关于艺术与社区 about art and community
关于参与性和结局性 about participation and ending
关于厨房分用和个体角色 about sharing the kitchen and individual roles

请点这里查看更多关于「我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat」项目。

Click here for more information about the 「我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat」project.

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