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Posts tagged ‘参与 participation’

Two interviews in 3 days in March by Asta of Peking University, and photographer and writer Lo Yin Shan. Is this community-based practice?


In the springtime HomeShop had a few visitors, as well as some very curious though inevitable vacancies (including the seeming concerted evaporation of occupants from the workshare space a month ago; now much ameliorated). During this time, and facing an uncertain future, a number of us began considering our established models of supporting and running the space. A discussion among various Beijing-based art spaces and projects also attempted to find some answers to the question of what kinds of activities are felt to be needed now in this city, and how they could be sustained.


On a return, the Teapot Exhibitions space was found to have been shattered to pieces, December 2012.


For a brief moment, following the positive experience of having UK-based artist Maurice Carlin here as first “official” resident, the idea to pursue a residency program seemed like a good way to regularly fill space and provide some inquisitive new energy, as it keeps many a Beijing institution afloat or well-padded. We consulted our friend at a space in Caochangdi to hear about how their program is run, but found that—however viable such an option might turn out—in our case it would veer down a path of specific identity and program that few of the organizers at HomeShop were really willing to adjust to. Add to that the preparation time required, and we would be looking at the rest of the year singularly geared to making this transition to something we didn’t necessarily feel consensus about achieving.


Reinaart Vanhoe and Maurice Carlin each sojourned in HomeShop, April/May 2013.


Likely an existing truism: many of the awkward feelings come from more than the reality of money, but from inside the organizational structure itself. Personal relations ripple through everything we do as a group, as well as all the effects palpable to others. And to us, or to me, at least, it hasn’t always been a desired separation, us and others. But how many others? And who? On that cusp of inside and out, the question of who gets to say, who gets to decide, has never been quite satisfactory to many. “Business” and “art group” sections were proposed at one meeting that seems like ages ago; institutional affiliations too; not to mention suggestions of becoming a real shop or a gallery. (Even old Uncle Long Beard came by one day to ask about starting a restaurant in the front space—if not at our friend’s place across the hutong, which looked empty to him.)


A curious neighbour ponders the latest question on the 問題 blackboard, May 2013.


The physical and social scale of HomeShop seems perfect for trying out the sticky substance of collaborative authorship, but each move has been prone to all the foibles and concentrations of skills and interests particular to the individuals involved. We could say this is natural, but it essentially means a certain recurring, quasi-naturalized predisposition of roles.


The Party Project does portraits! And political parties! Find out more! Ongoing deal!


This is me editorializing—when my tone turned whiny, another recent returning visitor, Reinaart Vanhoe, recommended giving space and recognizing the specific qualities of the individuals involved. This is true. If part of HomeShop’s character these last couple of years (regardless of which direction it goes in) might have been in prioritizing the values that exist in between those frequenting HomeShop, this may also be seen as its radical difference from many other spaces, organizations, and groups in Beijing. This is also what has left it open to critiques of opacity, inwardness and lack of structure; at the same time, this is what makes it exhausting and insecure. It’s a fiction.


The Aquaponics Workshop, started in early Spring 2013, is finally achieving system operation, with fish on the way any week now!


Giving space: how to understand that at this point? A time that oscillates between a feeling of latter-day busywork and a sense that we are only now achieving certain promises embedded in this inhabitation of HomeShop? Ambiguity and ambivalence sit side by side in the shopfront window with all its virtuality, while this discussion on giving space is for the most part conducted behind closed doors (like this one). In such discussions we talk about what will happen next year when the space’s contract meets its maker. Sometimes it feels a decision has already been made, and sometimes it feels that oscillation has produced the possibility that this decision is not up to us. It might appear in the question, will this given space be missed? or maybe rephrased as, who wants to take it? The offer is there.


Pointy, circa 2011, one of the many errant cats who have lived and loved and left HomeShop.


*Fine print: Taking the given space wouldn’t be a deal made for survival. In any case, debts may be incurred, facilities and signatures may be withdrawn, free labour may be cut back partially or in whole, and name may be subject to change. Then, you ask, what is offered, exactly? What is it without those things, and what can it become? If you’ll excuse the slippery language, what would be circumscribed by a survivability clause would be a set of possibilities, a certain kind of ground for particular approaches to say, art, design, critical engagement, social organizing, self-determination etc. to come into their own forms. Survivability in a sense meaning, to live beyond the lives of the individuals involved. Again, this is not about legacy, nor about feeling good about taking exits—it is about seeing that value is held by more than this current group of individuals, and recognizing the limits of these individuals in giving space.
My friend, a plurality is on offer! The Beijing wind is on offer!

**Disclaimer: these statements (which are actually questions) are the responsibility of the author and do not reflect the views of HomeShop; no offer is valid unless expressly stipulated by HomeShop.

***Note: This text was written several months ago but put on hold pending a host of unresolved questions that may have caused confusion about what was really being addressed here. At the present time, there are indeed more open discussions about the uncertain future and ways to confront the realities of rising rents, authorship, structure, and cooperation. If you are interested in joining this discussion, get in touch! More people are needed. More info on that soon…



在活动网页上获得跟多细节和例子 :








  Call for participants!

Announcing the Party Time Project, a participatory campaign initiative of HomeShop, taking place in Beijing over the summer months of 2013.

See the project website for details and examples:

Participants are invited to invent and register their own parties, to develop their platforms and campaign strategies that imagine a better possible world. The Party Time project sets no limits on age, place, era or political system—the Animal Rights Militia from Cold War Korea? Corporate Fascist Banana Plantations Party? Let your imagination be the leader! It’s worth a try, because obviously nothing attempted has yet worked!

Step one: Come to HomeShop to fill in your registration form, or download it and send it back to us.

Step Two: Develop your party image; we will help you design your election poster according to your specifications.

Step Three: Organize your party! Build morale with your own events: collect signatures, write a press release, host a dinner, shake hands on the street.

Step Four: Attend Party Time Project events, culminating in the elections in September!

For further information, to see registered parties, and for any questions get in touch or stop by!

Join in on the Party Time Project! Let’s make history!

真和假第二期 True and False 2
HomeShop @ Beijing Farmers’ Market


On Saturday July 27th, from 11:00 to 16:00 at INDIGO mall HomeShop will hold its second edition of True and False as part of the Beijing Farmers’ Market and Country Fair, hosting  two activities.

12:00 pm — 酒仙桥艺术之旅 Jiuxianqiao Art Tour

艺术的转基因作用,被转基因后的艺术。假作真来,真亦假。真作假来,假亦真…与 “见”赏大师一起去发现有机艺术…

This tour of the new international art works in the Jiuxianqiao area addresses the transgenetic function of  art, and the genetically modified art: When the false is considered true, the true is the false, when the true is considered false, the false is the true… Let’s find organic art together…

全天 all day — 蔬菜洗礼仪式 Vegetable Purification Ceremony

修女艾丽萨 安妮 玛丽 玛丽亚 主持的蔬菜祝福服务主持。

Led by Sister Eliza-Annie-Mary-Maria
Bring your produce for a ritual blessing. Guaranteed to enhance taste. 





3.自我组织出版物Concrete Flux的介绍




On Sunday, July 14th, from 7 pm, celebrate the storming of the Bastille and the birth of the modern nation with us at HomeShop’s July potluck.

A number of presentations will burst into the courtyard, including:

— Self-Defense Qi Gong by Zhu Feng

— A preview of HomeShop’s “Party Time” Project

— An introduction of the independent journal Concrete Flux by its editors

The menu will reflect this momentous date appropriately.

RSVP by Saturday at: lianxi@homeshop.org.cn

Max. 30 places, 30 元 per person.






  • 举办全天的交换市集
  • 组织种子换种子以及书换书
  • 安排以“可替代经济”为主题的演说及讨论



1:30-2:15 —  “集资在中国”… 何峰,demohour公司的创始人主讲(中文)

2:30-3:15 — “北京的另类空间和价值”… 家作坊,艺术家群落空间和北京城市农民联盟创始人联合主持(中/英文)

3:30-4:15 — “股东,利益相关者,和群落”… 傅强主持,北京外国语大学,IES北京中心驻地学者。目前在本大学讲授中国的环境,政府,市民社会和外交政策等课程。卡尔利斯Rokpelnis,民族大学民族生态学学生(中/英文)

4:30-5:15  —  “奇怪的经济:利用市场机制提高公平性和幸福”的优点和缺点,Raya Yampolsky致力于北京环境和国际事务交叉处的事业,探讨满足二十一世纪需求的系统性的解决方案。(英文)


想要来参加,您只需要把您不再需要的各种宝贝们在6月15日12点至晚6点期间带到家作坊,参加宝贝交换!不过你得小心哦,我们Waobao团队可是会对 您的宝贝们进行鉴定估“价”,甚至会决定拒收您太过破旧的宝贝们。我们也欢迎您来交换您的技能或是服务,比如说语言课、烹饪课什么的。所有宝物,先到先 得;特别棒的呢,我们会在18点开始拍“卖”!

北京市东城区交道口北二条8号,邮编:100007 (北新桥地铁西北方向第二个胡同)电话 (中): 13811809604


WaoBao! 3!

Date and time:
June 15th, 12-7PM

On Saturday June 15th leave your wallets at home and take part in HomeShop’s third edition of WaoBao!, where crowds from all corners of the city gather together and swap to their heart’s content. Organized by members of HomeShop (artist-run community space and founders of Beijing Urban Farmers Union) and Suvi Rautio (co-organizer of brandnu’s shipping container swap event held in March, 2012), Waobao is a no-money zone swapping bazaar with all day creative workshops and talks exploring sustainable lifestyles.

This year WaoBao! will feature:

  • An all-day participatory swapping bazaar
  • Seed-swap and book-share groups organized sporadically throughout the day
  • Talks and open discussions under the heading “Alternative Economies”



1:30-2:15 — “Crowdfunding in China” … He Feng, Co-founder of Demohour (CN)

2:30-3:15 — “Beijing’s Alternative Spaces and Value” … HomeShop, Artist-run community space and founders of Beijing Urban Farmers Union (CN/ENG)

3:30-4:15 — “Shareholder, Stakeholder, and Community” … Chad Futrell 傅强, Resident Scholar at the IES Beijing Center at Beijing Foreign Studies University where he teaches courses on China’s environment, government, civil society, and foreign policy; Karlis Rokpelnis, Ethnoecology PhD candidate at Minzu University. (CN/EN)

4:30-5:15 — “Strange Economies: The merits and shortcomings of using market-based mechanisms to increase equitability and well-being” … Raya Yampolsky, Pursuing a career at the intersection of environmental and international affairs in Beijing to explore systemic solutions to meet the needs of the 21st century. (ENG)


To take part, all you need to do is bring all your unwanted goods to HomeShop on June 15th from 12 to 6pm and swap! Do keep in mind, the WaoBao! team can appraise or reject broken or damaged goods at their discretion. We are also open for participants to swap services and skills, such as language and cooking classes.  All items go on a first come, first served basis, and selected priority items will be set aside to be auctioned off at 6pm on the day.

Jiaodaokou Beiertiao Number 8 (second hutong north-west from Beixinqiao subway)
Beijing 100007 Dongcheng District. Tel (EN): 15001127304



WaoBao! 2 照片 pictures!

To follow updates over the next couple of days visit the HomeShop websiteDoubanFacebook events pages or follow our posts on Weibo @jiazuofang & @我是小苏v. 

欲知活动各种细节,请在活动前访问家作坊网站, Facebook 或者刷刷微博 @jiazuofang / @我是小苏v,逛逛豆瓣小组。 

WaoBao Helpers!: If you would like to participate in volunteering to help prepare and assist in running the event, please get in touch with Suvi (suviprautio@gmail.com) or Michael (michaelceddy@gmail.com)

支持WaoBao!:如果你愿意以志愿者身份加入并帮助我们做活动的准备工作,请与Suvi (suviprautio@gmail.com) 或迈克尔 (michaelceddy@gmail.com) 联系。

See you on Saturday! 


带上任何可以发声的“乐器”,来参加由泰国爵士音乐家Pharadon Phonamnuai带来的即兴音乐工作坊,6月4日周二晚7点-9点,活动免费,私信报名
. 来参加吧!

Bring any and all “instruments” to participate in an improvisational jazz workshop at HomeShop with Chiang Mai-based saxophonist Pharadon Phonamnuai (Thailand).
 Free event, all welcome to join!

Pharadon是来自泰国清迈的爵士Sax乐手,目前领衔以下乐队:Kantok jazz Ensemble <Improvise, Avant-Garde Jazz>, Vachapuj Trio <Improvise> 和 the Bohemian Jazz Quartet. 

Pharadon Phonamnuai is saxophonist of the Kantok jazz Ensemble <Improv avantgarde jazz band>,Vachapuj trio <Improv band> and the Bohemian jazz quartet. He lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand, where he does some gigs and is a fixture of the jazz scene. Most nights of the week, he plays at the North Gate jazz co-op with a regular gig. He has toured throughout Thailand, with several trips  playing music overseas, including 2006-2008 in Kyoto Japan, and in 2004 spent a period of time in New York city, studying jazz.

Pharadon Phonamnuai : http://www.myspace.com/pharadonphonamnuai/


Jiaodaokou Beiertiao #8 Dongcheng Distr. Beijing
T__ +86 (0)10 8403 0952 

E__ lianxi@homeshop.org.cn

图片Drawing:  Emi Uemura



The journey back to Zhoukoudian starts by meeting at 6 am on May 1st at Xiehe Hospital.
A number of participants have signed up with their contributions to the story, but participation is still open to all!
Please consider footwear and clothing carefully and any equipment necessary for your participation. Also consider methods of documentation.

Participants can also join at other points along the way if not for the whole walk. Please call 15001127304 (EN) 18910792649 (中文) to find out the progress of the walk and possible meeting points.

If you wish to stay overnight with the group, please let us know by April 29th so that we can make a reservation at a local hotel (costs covered by individuals).
The next day, we will proceed on to the Peking Man site at Zhoukoudian where we will make some collective actions.
Bon voyage!

章节…… Chapters:
蓝T恤 The Blue Shirts ……………………………………………. Adam Chapluski
地形与地层 Landscape Stratoscape …………………………. Patrick Conway
砖头到水泥再归来 from bricks to concrete and back …  François Dey
当穴居人碰上太空人 Caveman Meets Spaceman ………. Michael Eddy
北京人拉松 Pekingathon ………………………………………… Gordon Laurin
丽莎 LISA …………………………………………………………….. 李丽莎 Lisa Li
留 Remains ………………………………………………………….. 欧阳潇 Ouyang Xiao
北京人,你是谁?Peking Man, who are you?……………. 植村絵美 Emi Uemura

…………………………………………和其他勇敢的冒险者…. And other brave adventurers

……………………………………………. 包括 ….. including …. 曲一镇 Qu Yizhen, Alessandro Rolandi, Orianna Cacchione, 王大船家 Wang Dachuan and family

项目招集 /// Call for Participation


5月1日,家作坊将举办第二期“直立行走”项目,再次步行去往北京房山区周口店北京猿人遗址公园。目的地离北京约60公里,耗时约18个小时,晚上在周口店过夜。 作为一个公众参与项目,我们希望每一位参与者能在活动开始前规划出自己的行走路线(走不了全程没有问题,量力而行),并以其为基础,将行走本身视为一种写作,在运动中构建另一种轨迹,无论是历史、个体故事、 意识形态还是任何一种同一性或连贯逻辑的生产或颠覆。 沿途的历史遗迹、当代景观与日常生活系统都可以成为构成上述运动的概念/物理节点。 如果你对本项目感兴趣,欢迎你将你的想法与联系方式发送到我们的邮箱lianxi@homeshop.org.cn。 我们也会于近期发布本次活动的具体日程安排与活动背景。



Walking Erect II: Journey back to Zhoukoudian

On May 1st, HomeShop is embarking on its second walk to Zhoukoudian, location of the famed Peking Man archaeological site. At nearly 60 km from central Beijing, it is a full day’s walk, and our plan includes an overnight stay near the site. However, this journey through time and space is open to those willing to participate.

See the basic route here:

As a walking project, we are taking the actual historical as well as current sites we pass by as sites for a series of actions along the way, triggering a form of writing-by-walking. (Participants who can’t commit to such distances can also come in at certain points along the route.)

Because of the destination’s symbolic place in modern history and contested place in prehistory, we invite participants to consider histories, stories and false trajectories as contributions, in relation to particular features of the route. The schedule and background of this walk will be rendered in detail soon. Please indicate your desire to participate a.s.a.p. and send your proposals to lianxi@homeshop.org.cn

Join us!



Dear friends around the world and baby kitty Small Park somewhere out there, today’s event will be live broadcast and viewable from the comfort of your internet connection! As long as ours holds out, please step in to watch and comment at www.homeshop.org.cn/live.html


行为和微广播之夜 …

An evening of actions and micro-casting


You are welcome to join us on Saturday, July 7th from 6 pm to 9 pm for an evening of performative and participatory contributions to the HomeShop ambiance, taking the form of several temporally overlapping actions:

  • 你想看啥?” —— 艺术家皮拉·埃斯库德的一个由观者掌控的电视频道
    What do you want to watch?  by Pilar ESCUDER, is an ongoing viewer-operated TV channel
  • 小气候~借东风”—— 艺术家郭颢的纸风车制作,初级气候制造工作坊
    Small climate~borrowing East wind,  by GUO Hao, is a pinwheel-making and beginners weather workshop
  • 乌冬面跳舞” —— 植村绘美的乌冬面跳舞,闪舞课程以及家作坊的邻居宋女士指导下进行的面条制作工作坊
    Udon noodle dance club,  by Emi UEMURA, is a flash dance course and noodle workshop with the tutelage of neighbor Song Jiejie
  • ” ——  意大利艺术家李山的经典背诵——选自一个经典却又不过时的演讲,议题是陷入危机的民主
    “WORDS”,  by Alessandro ROLANDI, is a recitation of a classical but timely speech on democracy in troubled times
  • 开放参与说明” —— 艺术家马艾地的尝试达成一致性决策的一次实验
    instructions for open participation, by Michael EDDY, is an experiment in consensual decision making
  • “交点” —— 郭颢的一次试图在天空中制造一个交点的尝试
    intersection,  also by GUO Hao, is an attempt to reach a common point, up high in the sky
  • 同时还有DUST吧提供秘制枣汁鸡尾酒!  
    Specially crafted for this event, Cici WANG’s DUSTBar will offer date infused cocktails


“无花果树下, 红枣树之上”由家作坊组办,是家作坊和“与我行走”项目合作的第一个活动。 “与我同行”由德国艺术家Petra JOHNSON发起,将于2012-2013年期间在科隆和北京同时进行。“与我行走”项目得到北京德国文化中心·歌德学院(中国)和德国科隆市支持。
Organized by HomeShopUnder the fig tree, above the date tree is the first installment in a cooperation between HomeShop and Walk with Me, a project initiated by Petra JOHNSON, to be realized throughout 2012 and 2013, between Cologne and Beijing. Walk with Me is kindly supported by the Goethe-Institut Beijing and the city of Cologne.







天窗临时咖啡店/酒吧, 大栅栏燕家胡同2号

具体比赛流程和时间安排稍后公布。更多信息请见新浪微博@北京有机农夫市集 http://weibo.com/farmersmarketbj;和博客http://t.cn/adIcwx



  • 瓜拉松奖:最佳南瓜造型;最坚强丝瓜;最搞怪冬瓜;最美丽葫芦奖。
  • 最红西红柿。
  • 香草盆栽造型大师。
  • 豆你玩奖(豆科种类大比拼)
  • 珍稀品种奖
  • 自由类别(您可以为您家的蔬果设计专门的奖项哦)


  • 经验丰富的专业有机农夫
  • 园艺专家
  • 美食作家
  • 吃货砖家等



  • 参加比赛的蔬果品种和竞技类别
  • 蔬果及其生长环境的照片,尺寸不超过1M
  • 您种菜的地点和环境(阳台上?市内?家门口的院子?还是在郊区租的地?)
  • 蔬果生长的方位(具体到马路、小区或村即可,最好网上地图可以搜索到大致方位)
  • 联系方式(电子邮件、电话;如有微博,请注明)


Are you a city-dweller who grows food (home-grown organic, no chemicals!) in or around your home?
So you think your vegetables are the best in town, huh?
Come and prove your skills at the next Country Fair, happening September 25th in Dashilar!

Urban Growers Competition & Country Fair’s First Anniversary Celebration
at Sky Light pop-up Café, No. 2 Yanjia Hutong

Sign up for the following categories:

  • The Gourd Quadrathlon: Best pumpkin shape; strongest sigua; monster beigua; perfect hulu aesthetic
  • Reddest Tomato Award
  • Potted Herb Arrangement Masters
  • Bean Variety Open
  • Exotic Vegetable Prize
  • Freestyle Entries

Judges will include a combination of esteemed farmers, distinguished gourmets and food writers. A great way to share your knowledge, techniques and even your seeds! Serious fun! Great or strange prizes!

Interested participants please send Country Fair an email <farmersmarketbj at gmail.com> including:

  • What vegetables you will submit
  • A small (1mb maximum) photo of your plant and its location in your home.
  • A short description of your growing location and conditions (where in home, what location)
  • The name of the street where you live
  • Contact information (phone, email, and weibo if applicable)

家作坊的选手 HomeShop’s contenders:

Beigua is indeed a vegetable! 北瓜是一种菜!