这个星期六下午六点(8月16号),邀请大家来胡同,在家作坊与街坊们见面,一起庆祝“失败者“的聚会。哦,对了,奥运会没有什么项目在这里,但是我们有DJ Mellow Yellow、她刚刚从柏林回到北京、为我们的“失败者“聚会准备一场特别的表演、我们还可以用家作坊牌大投影在街边玩wii游戏,有饮料和烧烤,还有两张奥运会的门票会送给我们的“失败者”。再晚一点,我们还会放映Ralf Schmerberg/Radical Media、任波、何颖雅、蔡凯的录象作品
This Saturday, 16 August 2008, from 18.00, come into the hutong and meet HomeShop and the neighbours as we celebrate the losers. The Olympic games aren’t happening here, but DJ Mellow Yellow comes back to Beijing from Berlin for a very special laptop set, and two Olympic event tickets will be given away to one very special loser! Hang out with chuan’r and drinks, play wii sports live in the street via the HomeShop projection, and later in the evening view short films from Ralf Schmerberg/Radical Media, Ren Bo, Elaine Ho and Cai Kai.
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这个“失败者”派对,是由段宝林和家作坊组织的。Party for the Losers is brought to you by Pauline Doutreluingne and HomeShop.
时间 posted on: 14 August 2008 | 发布者 author: e | comments (2) |
分类 filed under: games, lose, loser, party, 奥运会 olympics
“The lines developed in space are sometimes translated on the map as coloured patches, surfaces, erasures and signs. Tracing is ‘a language’ which can be shared by those that can speak and those that only know ‘silence’; some trace with their hands, others with their bodies. The lines that trace the courses are supplemented with signs that indicate movements or tools, like a choreographic notation.” (Doina Petrescu, “The Indeterminate Mapping of the Common“)
时间 posted on: 14 August 2008 | 发布者 author: e | 评论 comment (0) |
分类 filed under: ball, catch, petrescu, 奥运会 olympics, 定位 mapping, 爷爷 grandpa
On Friday, 15 August, from 14:00-17:00, visitors to HomeShop can participate in an interactive experiment with our speaker, Cassidy Cui. In five-minute dialogues with visitors, any topic may be explored, questions asked and answers given or not. Others may listen in, or perhaps no one will understand, but for five small minutes, Cassidy will accompany the visitor in a simple attempt at human communication in bare form. “Speak” is a small pause amidst the noise and orchestrated hearsay of the everyday, simply to enjoy the pleasure of communication. “It’s as simple as opening your mouth”. 有时间过来玩儿!(If you have time, come over and play!)
[ 地 图 m a p 联系 contact ]
日程安排 More events coming up:
14.08.08 | 北京批判理论阅读小组——关于哈贝马斯的公共空间理论的批判阅读. Critical Reading Group reads Habermas and Petrescu
16.08.08 | “失败者”的大派对,有DJ Mellow Yellow以及蔡凯、何颖雅、任波的录象作品放映. street party for the losers featuring DJ Mellow Yellow and screening of artist films by Ralf Schmerberg/Radical Media, Cai Kai, Renbo and others
16.08.08 | Sean Smith组织的人人可以参与的“Wii”上奥运会. post event broadcast Wii-version instant replays organised by Sean Smith
TBA | 艺术家粱越的行为艺术表演. performance and give-aways by artist Liang Yue
TBA | 《女泉》尿尿比赛. men/women pissing match
时间 posted on: 14 August 2008 | 发布者 author: e | comment (1) |
分类 filed under: speak, talk, 交流 communication, 奥运会 olympics, 项目 project
家作坊门口, 2008年8月11日,11:36.
HomeShop doorstep, 11 August 2008. 11:36.
Xiao Zheng borrows needle and thread to securely fasten a small Chinese flag to his car antenna.
“Why did you decide now to add the flag to your car?”
“I’ve always had it in my car, just hadn’t put it up yet. Since I can fasten it to the back of the car, I’ll do it now.”
“Would you like to have more plum juice?”
“No thanks.”
“Do you think it’s too sour?”
“Yes, sour.”
“Next time I’ll add more sugar.”
“It doesn’t matter. What’s most important is that you like to drink it. Don’t worry about what anybody else thinks.”
时间 posted on: 14 August 2008 | 发布者 author: e | 评论 comment (0) |
分类 filed under: flag, patriotism, 国旗, 奥运会 olympics, 街道 street
时间 posted on: 12 August 2008 | 发布者 author: e | 评论 comment (0) |
分类 filed under: secondhand, storefront, 回收, 奥运会 olympics, 衣服 clothing, 酸梅汤
乌梅 50克
干山楂 75克
乌枣 50克
冰糖 250克
甘草 2.5克
豆蔻 5克
桂花 5克
水 5.25公斤
时间 posted on: 12 August 2008 | 发布者 author: e | comment (1) |
分类 filed under: 北京 beijing, 奥运会 olympics, 开幕式 opening ceremony, 酸梅汤 sour plum juice
beijing, CN weather for 8 august 2008: cloudy and overcast, high 34° C – low 26° C. [照片 photo by 任杰 Ren Jie]
unexpectedly, they gather inside as well, cliques form in enclosed spaces, are private spaces, a flipping of the image. every so often someone passes underneath the screen: let’s get some fresh air, take a picture, or another beer. [左照片 left photo by 何新城 Neville Mars, 右照片 right photo by 逗号 Comma]
the twins stay up late with mama and papa. they’ve brought their own newspapers to sit on, and the 居民, hesitant and more wary than the crowd gathered centre front, remain leaning on bicycle, a curious periphery. [照片 photo by 逗号 Comma]
one makes a suggestion to move the drinks closer to the crowd. they are shy to come up to the shop/screen and help themselves. it is difficult to keep the beers cold at this time of year—-a humid Beijing summer night—-but time passes, each country makes its entrance and we sweat, enthralled. [照片 photo by 任杰 Ren Jie]
呼,胡。 Camera movements are orchestrated in an almost-precision choreography, and we all know when it is our time to come on. Or we look for that flickering moment when a head turns to realise which camera has us. Big screen watching, the view finder can be deceiving. …Konstantinos Glücksburg?[照片 photo by 任杰 Ren Jie]
she calls him 老刘 Old Liu, the literary fool who always speaks the truth. she’r teng: he thinks i either never come out or go out too much; we’ve both lived on this street for about one year now, and how come i never see you?[照片 photos by 逗号 Comma]
he wants to rouse the otherwise captivated still… they cheer for him, and the chinese-toronto crew in the back, too. [照片 photo by 任杰 Ren Jie]
we want to see china, they want to see china, 大家都为西红柿炒鸡蛋站起来喊叫。big brother Zheng is always cool: “Nothing to shout about, we can just sit back and relax.” [照片 photo by 任杰 Ren Jie]
17 days and counting: HomeShop is watching… 17天以下:家作坊在看… Many thanks to sportsbabel for working together, carrying, and making connections from between spaces by the shopfront tree…[照片 photo by 逗号 Comma]
时间 posted on: 10 August 2008 | 发布者 author: e | comments (2) |
分类 filed under: 北京 beijing, 奥运会 olympics, 开幕式 opening ceremony, 胡同 hutong