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Posts tagged ‘项目 project’

Thursday, 23 December 2010
from 10 am until press time, hurrah to follow

为 了庆祝家作坊成功移师交道口北二条, 我们诚邀您加入我们为期一天的报纸制作工作坊,与我们分享您生活中大大小小的新鲜事儿。作为初来乍到的新人,我们对于自己所 处的环境——北新桥这一带也不太熟悉,希望您能与我们一起来认识认识这附近的街坊四邻。

12月23日,星期四,新的家作坊将变成一个集讨论,编辑与印刷于一处的热闹场所。我们将出版一张具有我们独特作坊风格的大 幅双面报纸,其中了包含了我们所处的胡同中最新,最劲爆的新闻。


重大新 闻与北二条泄密、社论、艺术评论与社评、金融、体育、家居与烹饪、八卦、星象学、天气

编辑室将从早上10点开始开放,我们将在晚上免费发放丝网印刷报纸。您可以全天参与我们的活动或只是稍作逗 留。您可以加入到我们的各项活 动来,包括报道、翻译、平面设计与印刷。间休时间编辑室备有饮料和小吃。


In celebration of the big news that HomeShop has relocated to Jiaodaokou Beiertiao, we’d like to invite you to come by and share your big or small news story with us for a one-day newspaper production workshop. As the newcomers on the block, we are just beginning to learn the latest comings and goings of the Beixinqiao crowd, and we’d like you to visit and get to know the neighbours with us.

On Thursday, the 23rd of December, the new HomeShop will become a site for the discussion, editing and printing of a broadsheet to reveal the latest local news with the flair of our own homegrown media production.

Your presence and input are requested for the following columns:

breaking news and Beiertiao leaks, editorial, art and society reviews, finance, sports, home and cooking, gossip, astrology, classifieds, weather

The editorial room will be open from 10 a.m. until late, and by the end of the evening we will hand out silkscreen copies of the edition for free distribution and posting. Come by for a short visit or stay all day —— join the press room in any of our departments: reportage, translation, graphic design and printing. Drinks and snacks will be available for break time.

Organic vegetables for break time provided by Little Donkey Farm.

来来找我们!Come and find us!

“接头暗箱”是一个线下互传文件共享网络。 那你可以将任何你想共享的文件放入这个“接头暗箱”盘中,也可以从这里下载任何你 感兴趣的东西。想了解更多的信息、评论,以及全世界的“接头暗箱”联盟,你可以登录:http://deaddrops.com

Dead Drops is an offline peer to peer file sharing network in public. Drop any files you want on this drive. Download any files you find here which look interesting to you. For more information, comments and a map on all dead drops world wide please go to: http://deaddrops.com.


此台Dead Drop的创建者为:家作坊,2010年12月
This Dead Drop was installed by:  HomeShop, December 2010
DISCLAIMER:  For everything you do you are responsible yourself!

At yesterday’s Country Fair initiated by Emi UEMURA, Farmer DUAN’s daughter hangs around (on top of) baba’s organic produce. [摄影 photos by: Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA

我们尽力为“胡同儿”贡献三个有机农产品生产者和他们的产品(芳嘉园德润屋,和圣林生态农庄)的努力,最终阵亡在阵阵刺耳的批判声中:“谁会相信你啊!哈?你们这帮人真的是在这里做生意的吗?这些资料真的是你们的吗?现在人人都可以从网上下载这些东西……” “不信任”成了我们最主要的问题,一个泡沫塑料箱子,一台生锈的三轮车,两个在街头销售产品的乱头发女孩,显然不是能让精明而警惕的路人信服的包装方式。吴以楠不怕:“没关系,我的皮很厚!这一点菜农在我们动身出发的时候就已经提醒过我们,他们知道自己的劳动是一个腐败、贪婪、丝毫不关心人们健康和安全的违规满的市场的一抠抠儿。但没关系,我们皮厚厚地坚持了一天,于是我们做了一个小小的实验,只卖了很少的产品,但让少数人注意到了我们的集市,并且对公众对于与街边小贩、农产品市场和市场美学的态度做了一点田野调查。

Our meagre efforts to hit the hutongs with goods from three of the city’s organic producers—芳嘉园 Farmer DUAN, 德润屋 DERUNWU and 圣林生态农庄 SUNLIN Farm—result in harsh critical criticism: Who’s going to trust you? Ha! Are you guys making any real business here? What kind of printed material do you have? Anyone can download something from the internet. Mistrust is the major issue here, and a styrofoam box, rusty tricycle and two bed-headed sales girls are just not the right kind of packaging to convince wise-cracking passersby. The farmers warned us when we set out, as they know that their work is niche of the niche within a market overrun by corruption, greed and little personal concern for general health/safety. Sunday says, “It doesn’t matter. I have a hard heart.” And so we embarked upon a little experiment, selling very little but pointing a few people towards the fair and engaging in a bit of field work about public attitudes towards street sellers, the produce market and marketing aesthetics.

感谢絵美和其他所有对集市做出贡献的朋友们!Thank you to Emi and all the others who helped to make the Country Fair possible!

The ‘Blood Real Estate Map’ which sparked huge interest online in the last months came to my knowledge in the real space of my living room. It’s kind of messy here these days, as preparations to move out of the small grounds at Xiaojingchang are underway for a lateral shift towards Beixinqiao, but a friend stopped by one evening with the kind of hushed urgency of a very important favour to ask. She was asked by a wishing to remain anonymous contact of hers to help translate a response text about his initiative documenting violent incidents linked to forced demolition and eviction. She needed my help for the translating and proofreading, and so another late night at HomeShop rolled cultural exchange, an attempt to map the current condition and maybe a little bit of exaggerated or not ballsy-ness (you have to keep quiet about this, he’s at a lot of risk and we don’t know what may happen) all into one.

The Blood Real Estate project, which was launched at the beginning of October, consists of two Google maps:

the revised version [note: use proxy to access], which is edited by the founder and shows only verified cases, and an open version [note: use proxy to access] that anyone can add to or edit. Little volcanoes represent sites where people were evicted violently, with water canons or Molotov cocktails.  Beds indicate incidents that resulted in at least one death. [France 24]

The map maker felt a personal response to foreign media was necessary because of all the publicity generated by his work, and while proofreading his text I was surprised to find such an emotional personal declaration to clarify an action of anonymous digital tracking (though the wiki-version feels much more dramatic). The calm reflection he claims results from this project sounds more spiritual than practical, more self-intuited than strategically outlined. Not that anyone has any answers. Blow-up is blow-up, whether it is someone’s home, publicity or real and imminent threat.

Below is the full version of his text “Believe in Tomorrow”, first published in an edited version at France 24 International News:


11月27日 上午10点-下午4点

讲座:  下午1点-3点
地点: Studio-X Beijing 北京东城区安定门内大街方家胡同46, A103 [地图
电话: 010-64028682
邮箱: studioxbeijing@columbia.edu
网站: www.arch.columbia.edu/studiox/events


November 27th, 2010, 10:00 ~ 16:00
market: 10:00 a.m. ~16:00 p.m.
talk: 13:00 p.m. ~ 15:00 p.m.
venue: Studio-X Beijing
A103, 46 Fangjia Hutong, Andingmen Inner Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China, 100007  [see map]
Tel : 010-64028682
contact: studioxbeijing@columbia.edu
web: www.arch.columbia.edu/studiox/events

///与会者/ Participants ///


Country Fair is an ongoing educational endeavor, both a farmers’ market and a series of projects and lectures related to urban agriculture. It was developed out of the need to connect natural/organic farmers and consumers in Beijing.  Many farmers have an oversupply of produce, yet few consumers know how to begin a more natural way of eating.  The Country Fair serves as a platform for to learn about responsible urban practices and to demonstrate how the market works in Beijing: understanding distribution and consumption patterns will support farmers in their future practice.


On November 27, the Country Fair will take place at Studio-X Beijing (Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation) – a multi-purpose space to engage with the fields of urban planning and development – and will include collaborative activities to explore how locally produced food comes into the city. During the day-long event, farmers and professors will speak about the policies that shape rural agricultural practices, and participants can contribute to digital map visualizing how food circulates in the city.


“Country Fair” has been developed through the project “Mobile Garden” by Emi UEMURA and Vitamin Creative Space in Beijing.

///“集市”组织 /// Country Fair Organization ///

This is a sneak-peak-foreshadowing-harbinger kind of thing of some up and coming plans at HomeShop, tied in ever so subtly to this year’s 有种 BALLSY series. We have actually been a bit more subtle-quiet-uneventful than in previous series, but mind you this may also have to do with some deep internalisation that any real ballsy-ness requires. I―ahem, E.S.!―would like to understand BALLSY with reference to that constant movement, perhaps of the sort that Agamben speaks about, always in relation to lack, but not necessarily productivity (relief in new one-liners: A Designer Who Does Not Produce). There is a movement whereby “that which if it is, is as if it wasn’t, it lacks itself (manca a se stesso), and if it isn’t, is as if it was, it exceeds itself.”

You may have no clue what we’re getting at here, but little monkey let’s just leave it at that for now. If you would like more information or the recipe for 吴以楠 WU Yinan‘s beauty balls, just leave a comment to this post.

As part of Emi UEMURA’s project “Mobile Garden & Calendar Restaurant” at the shop’s summer space in Caochangdi, on September 18th 2010 we invite you to Country Fair,” a gathering of local farmers whose practices emphasize organic, community-based and wholistic approaches.

The farmers, some of whom will be offering their produce for sale, will be available for exchanges of information and conversation. From 2pm to 4pm, there will be a round table discussion (in Chinese, but we will try to have some informal translation available) about farming in Beijing and China in general, and it should be quite inspiring and informative. Natural farming techniques are relatively small scale in Beijing, but as it grows what does it represent for the way our cities are fed, and as it becomes appropriated into an “industry” and a lifestyle image? How does it challenge the way we live, and our own potential to grow? Very important questions can be sourced to potatoes.

Please make your way to the shop on September 18th and join in!

Country Fair
September 18th, 2010

小毛驴市民农园 Little Donkey Farm, 天福園 God’s Grace Garden, 芳嘉园Farmer Duan, Lily Hsieh (Urban Compost), Laura (Vegan Baking), 方丹敏 Danmin (Calendar Dumplings), Pangbianr (Recipes Zine), and more

Market starting: 1:00 ~5:00pm

Round table talk : 2:00 ~ 4:00 pm

E-mail: project@vitamincreativespace.com

维他命创意空间这个店在草场地, 正在进行移动花园和日历餐厅计划.

移动花园计划通过在泡沫塑料盒里面栽培花草蔬菜, 来示范非传统的食物种植、食用方式. 日历餐厅计划根据移动花园的蔬菜成长情况来决定什么时候营业, 采用我们亲自栽培烹调的时蔬, 菜单上有比萨, 沙拉, 豆芽等选择.

种植天然、有机蔬菜的农民与北京的消费者之间依然缺乏链接, 部分农民存有多余的有机产品, 而市内的消费者却不知道如何享用到天然食物. 我的设想是在当地农贸集会上进行一些试验, 让消费者即可以支持当地农民, 又能了解到市场上有哪些选择, 以及怎么成为一名负责任的城市消费者.

移动花园和日历餐厅也可以作为我们的起点, 进一步促进农民与消费者之间的交流, 鼓励双方建立关系, 例如, 我们会邀请当地种植天然、有机食物的农民们参加资讯分享, 并交流有关宣传, 包装, 运输等方面的经验. 我们的小店也可以作为短期的销售点, 农民可以在店里寄卖蔬菜作为练习. 同时我们还在考虑如何在农民与艺术家之间产生有关农业和食物的对话.

Park (in which the sounds we make in public are both expressions of ideology and good for the body)

Calling (in which the sound of advertisement forms a fabric that envelops us)

Dongfanghong 1 (in which the sound of the bell at the Beijing Railway Station reveals a story of our relation to the voice of authority)

Dongfanghong 2 (in which the voice of authority is found to be composed of echoes)

Music (in which we are introduced to the workers who live on their downtown work site)

The audio drama “Sound Research of China” (Michael EDDY, KANG He, 李增辉 LI Zenghui) is composed of episodes from ongoing research into the makeup of the sound environment of Beijing. The process consisted of many outings as a group into the streets of Beijing and following and questioning the sounds that we identified as “characteristic” of life in China, and of the relation of sound to life there. Working as a unit of three “specialists,” each of our backgrounds informing our manner of recording, analyzing and editing the source materials, we pursued the sounds in various ways to see how they might compose their own narrative and drama.

“Sound Research of China” was a component of Vitamin Creative Space‘s participation and resulting in the installation in the “Structural Integrity” project in Melbourne’s Meat Market for the Next Wave festival. For further documentation, please check here.

HomeShop’s friends at Instant Hutong, just a few streets down at Mao’er Hutong, are hosting an audience-participation-encouraged-happening-event at their courtyard this Sunday from 4 pm. Drop by if you can, it’s intimacy for extremists!



地址 address: 北京市东城区南锣鼓巷帽儿胡同14号  /  no.14, Mao’er Hutong, NanLuoGuXiang, Dongcheng District

After a prolonged research and analysis period highly implicated by HomeShop’s recent search for a new space, our newfound expertise has led to the temporary return of the current space at Xiaojingchang hutong to its former status as real estate agency (pre-2007 era). We are pleased to inform you that we are taking up a new role as an offshoot office of the well-known chain 我爱我家 Wo Ai Wo Jia (“I Love My Home”), henceforth named 我爱你家 Wo Ai Ni Jia (“I Love Your Home”). If you are looking for a new house or office within Beijing’s old city centre or are merely interested to learn more about the real estate market and private life in the capital, our multilingual agents can offer free advice and direction regarding a selection of some of Beijing’s hottest properties. We do not take commission, and while our services may be limited, our knowledge is vast. Please stop by HomeShop or telephone to make an appointment. You may reach us at any time by mobile phone at 137 1855 6089.

Thank you! We are here waiting for your trust!

“我爱你家 I Love Your Home” is a project of 何颖雅 Elaine W. HO and Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA for HomeShop. On view from 24 May 2010.



“我爱你家 I Love Your Home” 是由何颖雅 Elaine W. HO 及 Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA为家作坊做的一个项目。从2010年5月24日开始。