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WaoBao! 4ever

Come one and all to HomeShop on Sunday, December 8th for WaoBao! 4ever the fourth and final WaoBao! event before HomeShop closes its doors FOREVER. Starting at 11 am WaoBao! will welcome exchanges of HOT items for tickets (to be used to exchange for other items) and commence a veritable carnival of activities. At 5 pm, an exhilarating auction will wrap up with the finest goods of the day!

NEW at WaoBao! 4ever:

There are new limits on the number of tickets given for books, clothing and CDs.

But there is a new way to earn tickets on site!

New work stations where participants can acquire tickets through short bursts of HARD WORK.

– Tell a story about your objects!

– Work on the HomeShop memorial quilt!

– Oversee the work of others!

All of these will get you EXTRA tickets!

Now with FREE “2 Tiao Art Festival”: A series of interventions by live artists making fair trade* performances, actions and art masterpieces! Value added!

basic rules and conditions:
To take part, all you need to do is bring all your unwanted goods to HomeShop on December 8th from 11 to 5pm and swap! Do keep in mind, the WaoBao! team can appraise or reject broken or damaged goods at their discretion. We are also open for participants to swap services and skills, such as language and cooking classes.  All items go on a first come, first served basis, and selected priority items will be set aside to be auctioned off at 5pm on the day.


*these artworks are not certified by any third party fair trade organization






  • 举办全天的交换市集
  • 组织种子换种子以及书换书
  • 安排以“可替代经济”为主题的演说及讨论



1:30-2:15 —  “集资在中国”… 何峰,demohour公司的创始人主讲(中文)

2:30-3:15 — “北京的另类空间和价值”… 家作坊,艺术家群落空间和北京城市农民联盟创始人联合主持(中/英文)

3:30-4:15 — “股东,利益相关者,和群落”… 傅强主持,北京外国语大学,IES北京中心驻地学者。目前在本大学讲授中国的环境,政府,市民社会和外交政策等课程。卡尔利斯Rokpelnis,民族大学民族生态学学生(中/英文)

4:30-5:15  —  “奇怪的经济:利用市场机制提高公平性和幸福”的优点和缺点,Raya Yampolsky致力于北京环境和国际事务交叉处的事业,探讨满足二十一世纪需求的系统性的解决方案。(英文)


想要来参加,您只需要把您不再需要的各种宝贝们在6月15日12点至晚6点期间带到家作坊,参加宝贝交换!不过你得小心哦,我们Waobao团队可是会对 您的宝贝们进行鉴定估“价”,甚至会决定拒收您太过破旧的宝贝们。我们也欢迎您来交换您的技能或是服务,比如说语言课、烹饪课什么的。所有宝物,先到先 得;特别棒的呢,我们会在18点开始拍“卖”!

北京市东城区交道口北二条8号,邮编:100007 (北新桥地铁西北方向第二个胡同)电话 (中): 13811809604


WaoBao! 3!

Date and time:
June 15th, 12-7PM

On Saturday June 15th leave your wallets at home and take part in HomeShop’s third edition of WaoBao!, where crowds from all corners of the city gather together and swap to their heart’s content. Organized by members of HomeShop (artist-run community space and founders of Beijing Urban Farmers Union) and Suvi Rautio (co-organizer of brandnu’s shipping container swap event held in March, 2012), Waobao is a no-money zone swapping bazaar with all day creative workshops and talks exploring sustainable lifestyles.

This year WaoBao! will feature:

  • An all-day participatory swapping bazaar
  • Seed-swap and book-share groups organized sporadically throughout the day
  • Talks and open discussions under the heading “Alternative Economies”



1:30-2:15 — “Crowdfunding in China” … He Feng, Co-founder of Demohour (CN)

2:30-3:15 — “Beijing’s Alternative Spaces and Value” … HomeShop, Artist-run community space and founders of Beijing Urban Farmers Union (CN/ENG)

3:30-4:15 — “Shareholder, Stakeholder, and Community” … Chad Futrell 傅强, Resident Scholar at the IES Beijing Center at Beijing Foreign Studies University where he teaches courses on China’s environment, government, civil society, and foreign policy; Karlis Rokpelnis, Ethnoecology PhD candidate at Minzu University. (CN/EN)

4:30-5:15 — “Strange Economies: The merits and shortcomings of using market-based mechanisms to increase equitability and well-being” … Raya Yampolsky, Pursuing a career at the intersection of environmental and international affairs in Beijing to explore systemic solutions to meet the needs of the 21st century. (ENG)


To take part, all you need to do is bring all your unwanted goods to HomeShop on June 15th from 12 to 6pm and swap! Do keep in mind, the WaoBao! team can appraise or reject broken or damaged goods at their discretion. We are also open for participants to swap services and skills, such as language and cooking classes.  All items go on a first come, first served basis, and selected priority items will be set aside to be auctioned off at 6pm on the day.

Jiaodaokou Beiertiao Number 8 (second hutong north-west from Beixinqiao subway)
Beijing 100007 Dongcheng District. Tel (EN): 15001127304



WaoBao! 2 照片 pictures!

To follow updates over the next couple of days visit the HomeShop websiteDoubanFacebook events pages or follow our posts on Weibo @jiazuofang & @我是小苏v. 

欲知活动各种细节,请在活动前访问家作坊网站, Facebook 或者刷刷微博 @jiazuofang / @我是小苏v,逛逛豆瓣小组。 

WaoBao Helpers!: If you would like to participate in volunteering to help prepare and assist in running the event, please get in touch with Suvi (suviprautio@gmail.com) or Michael (michaelceddy@gmail.com)

支持WaoBao!:如果你愿意以志愿者身份加入并帮助我们做活动的准备工作,请与Suvi (suviprautio@gmail.com) 或迈克尔 (michaelceddy@gmail.com) 联系。

See you on Saturday! 



时间 date/time__2012 年7月14日,周六下午2点至7点
Saturday, July 14, 14.00-21.00
地点 location__家作坊 HomeShop,东城区交道口北二条8号 [地图]
Dongcheng District, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8 [map]

WaoBao!是什么? What is WaoBao! ?

家作坊将再次举办大型北京二手交换市集!在这一天,把你家淘汰下来的物品,如手机、衣服、箱包,旧家具及其它生活用品带到家作坊来,与需要它的人 交换,使你的闲置物品变成别人的宝贝,别人长期不用的东西成为你的最爱!这一天,货币不再流通,带来你的物品,做好“讨价还价”的准备!除了交换 闲置物品以外你也可以交换服务和技能,比如,用帮别人看孩子来交换非限行号车辆的一日使用权,用一顿自家做的便饭来交换网站设计。

HomeShop is again hosting our big Beijing swap meet. The purpose of the day is for you to gather everything you’ve left covered in dust in your closet and swap these things with other people who can make new use of them! Traders should bring everything from unwanted mobile phones to clothing and bicycles, and get ready to drive hard bargains. Money is no currency on this day, just bring your stuff and prepare your sharp and sparkly bargaining tongue! In addition to swapping stuff, you can also swap your skills and services, like trading babysitting time for a day’s use of a valid license plate on the right driving day, or a home-cooked meal in exchange for website design services.


Enjoy our “fair-trade” cakes and drinks from other swappers, and while you’re here, view and cast your votes for the design of a new seed exchange container, watch a few short films about how our consumer habits have created a big trash society and the few individuals who are trying to give new life to it.  WaoBao! No. Two will also feature guest lectures and workshops to introduce other fresh ideas about the cycles of waste, reuse and agriculture that you can “re-cycle” at home! See the schedule as follows:

  • 14:30__农业大学Tony Fuller教授发表演讲,关于近期在云南的实践
  • 14:30__talk by Dr. Tony Fuller (adjunct professor, China Agricultural University) on recent agricultural practices in Yunnan
  • 15:30__workshop and demonstration of hydroponic gardening with plastic bottles
  • 15:30__使用塑料瓶水栽植物的工作坊和展示
  • 16:30__workshop and demonstration on worm composting with mini-worm kits available for trading
  • 16:30__供交易的微型蚯蚓堆肥盒制作工作坊和展示
  • 17:00__workshop to make upcycled toys from used clothing and fabrics
  • 17:00__使用二手服装和布料制作玩具的工作坊
  • 18:00__WaoBao! auction of the super goodies with super auctioneer SHEN Bao
  • 18:00__WaoBao! 超级拍卖师神包带来的精品拍卖会


逃离网络,清扫生活中的混乱。我们正接收各类赠品,以建立一个精品库。如果你有很多宝贝却没有空间存放,又想看到你的宝贝再次得到宠爱,欢迎在开 放时间内拜访家作坊,带上你的物品来换取在二手交换市集中使用的交换券。(也可以在14号当天带来你的宝贝们)!

Get off of the internet, and WaoBao the clutter in your life instead! We’re already accepting donated must-haves to develop a stockpile of treasures, so for those of you with the bounty and not the space but the desire to see things loved a second time, please drop by HomeShop during opening hours to bring items and get tickets redeemable for trade at the swap meet. (You can also bring your stuff directly on the 14th!)

第一期WaoBao!献宝兑宝活动,2012年5月12日 From WAOBAO! No. 1, 12 May 2012 (摄影 photos__Michael EDDY、何颖雅 Elaine W. HO、林苏葳 Suvi RAUTIO、王若思 Rose WANG):


WaoBao!献宝兑宝活动由马艾迪、何颖雅、Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA和曲一箴(家作坊)与林苏葳和陈曦华发起并组织。非常感谢工作坊和演讲组织者:Sarah COLOBONG、Pilar ESCUDER、Tony FULLER, 莫逆、Miranda MULLETT神包王子夜
WaoBao!  is organised by Suvi RAUTIO and CHEN Xihua with Michael EDDY, Elaine W. HO, Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA and Twist QU (HomeShop). Extra thank-you to workshop/lecture hosts Sarah COLOBONG, Pilar ESCUDER, Tony FULLER, MO Ni, Miranda MULLETT, SHEN Bao and WONG Ziye.


Spring Cleaning for International Give Your Stuff Away Day

时间 date/time__2012 年5月12日,周六下午2点至6点
                        Saturday, May 12, 14.00-18.00
地点 location__家作坊 HomeShop,东城区交道口北二条8号 [地图]
                    Dongcheng District, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8 [map]
豆瓣同城活动 Douban event__www.douban.com/event/16419765/

五月十二号(星期六)来家作坊就不仅仅是打酱油啦,前来参加“献宝兑宝活动”。夏日炎炎,让您的居 室,柜橱,里里外外更宽敞明亮一些吧,五月十二号这一天把你家淘汰下来的物 品,如手机、衣服、箱包,旧家具及其它生活用品带到家作坊来,与需要它的人交换,使你的 闲置物品变成别人的宝贝,别人长期不用的东西成为你的最爱!除了交换闲置物品以外你也 可以交换服务和技能,如,用帮别人看孩子来交换网站设计、用一顿自家做的便饭来交换非限行号车辆的一日使用权,同时我们也会教你怎样旧物“再设计”改造, 还会播放如何把垃圾变废为宝的短片,十分有趣!带着你的朋友来跟我们一起玩吧,说不定你还会“交换”到一个新朋友带回家哦。还有免费饮料和小 吃提供,在本街道居住时间最长的家庭之一宋家,将教授我们如何再设计“后现代有种糖葫芦”!

从五月五号起家作坊开始接收你不需要的 闲置物品。请你快把不要的物品拿到交道口北二条8号来,我们会先给你一张“兑宝券”。你需要的宝贝在 等待你“赎”它回去…你“冷宫”里的宝贝也让我们垂涎三尺。取长补短,互利互助,皆大欢喜,何乐不为?!(也可于12日当天带来你将交换的物品!)

On Saturday, May 12th, come and do more than get the soy sauce at HomeShop’s “WaoBao Spring Cleaning” event! The purpose of the day is for you to gather everything you’ve left covered in dust in your closet and swap these things with other people who can make new use of them! Traders should bring everything from unwanted mobile phones to clothing and bicycles on trading day, and get ready to drive hard bargains. Money is no currency on this day, just bring your stuff and prepare your sharp and sparkly bargaining tongue! In addition to swapping stuff, you can also swap your skills and services, like trading babysitting time for a day’s use of a valid license plate on the right driving day, or a home-cooked meal in exchange for website design services. As well as the trading, mini-upcycling and DIY project workshops will take place on site, and we’ll be showing a few short films about how our consumer habits have created a big trash society and the few individuals who are trying to give new life to it. Free drinks and snacks will be on offer, and one of the oldest families on the block, the SONG family, will also be on hand to teach us how to upcycle the classic tanghulu candied fruit skewer into postmodern balls on sticks, WAO!

Get off of the internet and WaoBao the clutter in your life instead! Starting May 5th, we’ll begin accepting donated must-haves to develop a stockpile of treasures, so for those of you with the bounty and not the space but the desire to see things loved a second time, please drop by HomeShop during opening hours to bring items and get tickets redeemable for trade on Spring Cleaning Day. (You can also bring your stuff directly on the 12th!)


“糖葫芦的后现代生活”工作坊又Carrot Design工作室与家作坊的何颖雅发起。WaoBao!献宝兑宝活动由Michael EDDY、何颖雅、Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA和曲一箴(家作坊)与林苏葳(ClearWorld Media)发起并组织.
The “Life of Postmodern Tanghulu” workshop is co-hosted by Been from Carrot Design and Elaine W. HO from HomeShop. WaoBao! Spring Cleaning is organised by Suvi RAUTIO (ClearWorld Media) with Michael EDDY, Elaine W. HO, Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA and Twist QU (HomeShop).


798见鬼啦…… Sighting in 798! 

由艺术工作者们运作的空间“家作坊” 关门已近一年。此次参与「不在图像中行动」群展,是为了对其五年半的工作和玩乐经历进行一次回溯性寻析。自2008年 这个协作式项目成立,其自我组织与进程性的空间、参与者和活动,无不显示出多样性和互动性;而这些特性,既无法用某单一视角进行统辖,也 无可能完整复原其 具体情状。此次回顾因此是矛盾的、主观的、也是对话式的。

 也因此,「我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat」项目,毋宁说是在短暂回忆以及残留印记中进行的一次“采样”。它们来自日常生活、组织结构、诸多的可能性和死胡同、从未存在之物 事,也来自一些幽 灵。归档于此的这100多个物件便是此次采样成果。家作坊还特地制作了视频对话,印制了导览册,为您提供陪同与注解,以方便您在其间游 历;它们详载的历史 所能引发的叙事之旅,不一而足。回溯是生产;是一种出没于这一系列旧物件中的“精灵”;也是一种马后炮协作。  “玩儿”的时间不再有了!

Almost one year after artist-run space HomeShop closed its doors, its participation in the group exhibition Unlived by What is Seen is an attempt to retrospectively address five-and-a-half years of work and play. The multiplicity and dynamics that defined this collaborative project since its inception in 2008—including its spaces, people and activities, self-organized and processual—do not necessarily add up to a singular viewpoint, nor can they be easily mapped. Retrospection is paradoxical. Subjective. Dialogical.

「我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat」thus appears here as a sampling of ephemera and residuals—from daily life, from the structures of organization, from other possibilities and deadends, from things that never were, and, from a few ghosts. Specially prepared video dialogues and printed guides shall serve as your escorts and annotations to the more than 100 items included in this archive; the history they recount may lead you on any number of narrative journeys. Retrospection is production. A spirit attending a series of old objects. A kind of collaboration postmortem. There’s no more time to play!

「我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat」项目的构思者和实施者包括:小欧、Michael EDDY、何穎雅、Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA和曲一箴.

「我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat」has been conceived and carried out by Orianna CACCHIONE, Michael EDDY, Elaine W. HO, Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA and Twist QU.

“不在图像中行动 Unlived by What is Seen” 
Sun Yuan & Peng Yu, Cui Cancan
策展人:孙原&彭禹 崔灿灿

2014年12月13日 – 2015年3月15日
Dates: December 13, 2014 — March 15, 2015
Venues: Galleria Continua, Pace Beijing, Tang Contemporary Art

展厅局部 installation view
展厅局部 installation view

展厅局部 installation view

Detailed view of HomeShop archive with the following objects: #11 Not Including Someone as HomeShop Member (non-realized initiative, e-mail, 2012); #28 Handwritten Notes Exchanged with Xiao Li (paper, 2009 – 2013); #43 WaoBao! Quilt (hand-stitched fabrics [mixed], 2013); and one of seven screens playing recorded dialogues between HomeShop organizers.

家作坊档案的局部图,包括以下物件:#89各种图标(胶皮印章、贴纸,2009–2013年);#49白瓷砖(陶瓷,2010–2013年);#53:“众口难调”(盐、食用油,2011年);#10:电梯游说(未实现的倡议,2012年);#84扣锁钥匙(铝,2010年);和#69家作坊前厅日志(手工制作笔记本,A5纸,60页, 2012年)
Detailed view of HomeShop archive with the following objects: #89 Various Logos (rubber stamps, sticker paper, 2009 – 2013) ; #49 White Tile (ceramic, 2010 – 2013) ; #53: “It is hard to please all” (salt, cooking oil, 2011) ; #10: Elevator Pitch (non-realized initiative, 2012); #84 Padlock Key (aluminum, 2010); and #69 Front Space Notebook (handmade A5-sized notebook, 60 pages, 2012).

exhibition guidebook entry number 3, the runaway cats of HomeShop

策展⼈人提供的家作坊介绍 description of HomeShop provided by the curators
This wall text appeared next to our installation two days before the opening, surprising us all with its framing of HomeShop as a “spiritual” project pursuing “absolute equal-democracy”. Most of us felt this was patently absurd or simply reflected a gross misunderstanding as to how HomeShop fit within the curatorial direction of the exhibition—while certain others among us were quite pleased by its lofty exaggerations.

展厅局部 installation view

展厅局部 installation view

作为《我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat》展览的一部分,家作坊印制了自己的册子,用导览手册的形式对所有展示的档案物进行了编号叙述。以下这篇是1号入口:

《我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat》





As part of 《我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat, HomeShop published its own catalogue in the form of a guidebook with numbered descriptions of all items included in the exhibited archive. The following prologue is entry number 1:

《我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat》
archive, 102 items of various sizes and media

The choice not to participate in the group show Unlived by What is Seen could also have been valid, and was certainly honestly considered. Bringing the practices of HomeShop to the 798 art district brought up translation problems, with contextual sensitivity and criticality, and desires for autonomy being what held together an interdisciplinary mix of individuals. This most likely could not be reproduced in the art district, and certainly not posthumously.

In any case, the terms of the invitation seemed open enough, and signaled the challenges of what can be called a retrospective phase. We agreed this was of enough interest to work together, despite the dilemma of who and what we are—because we are not HomeShop.This particular group bound by what was, is not trying to be everything that was. And contrary to what some might have thought, this gathering isn’t in order to have a party!

This archive is a pre-emptive response to the question of who writes history. Especially in the case of self-initiated and discontinued projects that, like HomeShop, may have existed at the edges of an art scene—to be rediscovered later or not—there is a task to speak for oneself, despite the contradictory loss of voice.

An archive is a tool toward retrospection but can never be truly complete. Among those items gathered from across this and other worlds, this archive includes a range not only from what had been successfully produced in visible and material forms, but also that which may have gone wrong or was never realized, as well as the dynamics of their relations and mediations.We hope these function in part as potential tools or case studies for others, while calling to mind the missing elements and contradictions involved in any historicization.


About the HomeShop Seed Exchange Bank


The objective is to develop a platform for gathering and exchanging different seeds with the support of the community. Current HomeShop artist-in-residence Pilar ESCUDER is hosting an open call for participating in the design of  a storage facility and logo for a seed exchange project. On Saturday, 14 July during the WaoBao! swap meet, Pilar will be showing the various submissions for review and critique.

种子库设备的条件 __ If you are interested to participate with a design or have ideas and information to share, please consider some of the conditions for HomeShop’s seed exchange:

  • 材料:木头或 其它对环境影响小的材料,请同时考一下如何获取这些材料
  • suitable materials: wood or other materials with low environmental impact (please also consider where these materials can be obtained)
  • 请注意本设备需要经久耐用
  • long-lasting
  • 必需可以保存和安排各类种子及土壤
  • should be able to contain and organise multiple varieties of seeds and soil
  • 干燥避光为种子存储提供一个良好环境
  • should maintain dryness and darkness


期待着您在本月13日之前将您的精美设计来发送给我们,也期待着您为我们的种子库标识设计提出宝贵建议。请8月15日(周三)之前把您的建议发送到 __ Please send your ideas and design submissions by Wednesday, 15 August by e-mail to: pi.escuder@gmail.com

参见其它种子库信息 __ Other relevant seed banks around the world:

The Life of Postmodern Tanghulu

时间 date/time__2012 年5月12日,周六下午2点起
                        Saturday, May 12, from 14.00
地点 location__家作坊 HomeShop,东城区交道口北二条8号 [地图]
                    Dongcheng District, Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8 [map]


As part of Saturday’s WaoBao! Spring Cleaning swap meet on the 12th, we’ve invited the oldest family on our block to teach us how to update a Cultural Revolution old recipe for making candied fruits on sticks, the old Beijing sweet of choice. Experiment with various ball-shaped edibles, from the classic 山楂 hawthorn to the risky 狮子头 lion’s head minced meatball. Bring your leftovers from the fridge to tanghulu-ify, or trade for our finished pieces! All will be available for trade and bargaining along with all the other goodies on site.


传说_The legend of tanghulu
南宋绍熙年间,宋光宗最喜爱的皇贵妃病了,她面黄肌瘦,不思饮食。御医用了许多名贵药品,医治无果。宋光宗只好张榜招医。有一位江湖郎中揭榜进宫。为其诊脉 后,开出山楂和红糖。一起煮即食。每次3-5粒。半月黄贵妃病愈。后此法传入民间。酸、脆、香甜的沾山楂法流传至今。
During the splendid reign of the Southern Song dynasty, the favourite concubine of emperor SONG Guangzong fell ill and could not eat, making her emaciated and haggard. Imperial doctors tried all sorts of expensive cures to no avail, so SONG put forth an open call seeking medical help. One traveling doctor managed to enter the court to see the concubine, and after taking her pulse, he prescribed her a cure of hawthorn and brown sugar to be cooked together and eaten. Half a month later the concubine was healed, and ever since then, the recipe became a favourite of the people. Sour and crisp yet fragrantly sweet, this miracle method of preparing hawthorn has lasted until today.

宋氏家族介绍_About the SONG family
Before the founding of the People’s Republic, the SONG family of Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 1 was already involved in a small homemade tanghulu workshop for several years. With private businesses suspended during the Cultural Revolution, they stopped until finally during the reform and opening-up of the 80s, the family business was able to be picked up again. During its peak, the SONG’s tanghulu (including hawthorn, Chinese yam, tangerine, smoked jujube, banana and many other varieties) satisfied the cravings of many old Beijingers and were delivered all over the city to locations such as the imperial palace, Wangfujing, Dongdan and Qianmen.


“糖葫芦的后现代生活”工作坊又Carrot Design工作室与家作坊的何颖雅发起。WaoBao!献宝兑宝活动由Michael EDDY、何颖雅、Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA和曲一箴(家作坊)与林苏葳(ClearWorld Media)发起并组织.
The “Life of Postmodern Tanghulu” workshop is co-hosted by Been from Carrot Design and Elaine W. HO from HomeShop. WaoBao! Spring Cleaning is organised by Suvi RAUTIO (ClearWorld Media) with Michael EDDY, Elaine W. HO, Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA and Twist QU (HomeShop).