The journey back to Zhoukoudian starts by meeting at 6 am on May 1st at Xiehe Hospital.
A number of participants have signed up with their contributions to the story, but participation is still open to all!
Please consider footwear and clothing carefully and any equipment necessary for your participation. Also consider methods of documentation.
Participants can also join at other points along the way if not for the whole walk. Please call 15001127304 (EN) 18910792649 (中文) to find out the progress of the walk and possible meeting points.
If you wish to stay overnight with the group, please let us know by April 29th so that we can make a reservation at a local hotel (costs covered by individuals).
The next day, we will proceed on to the Peking Man site at Zhoukoudian where we will make some collective actions.
Bon voyage!
章节…… Chapters:
蓝T恤 The Blue Shirts ……………………………………………. Adam Chapluski
地形与地层 Landscape Stratoscape …………………………. Patrick Conway
砖头到水泥再归来 from bricks to concrete and back … François Dey
当穴居人碰上太空人 Caveman Meets Spaceman ………. Michael Eddy
北京人拉松 Pekingathon ………………………………………… Gordon Laurin
丽莎 LISA …………………………………………………………….. 李丽莎 Lisa Li
留 Remains ………………………………………………………….. 欧阳潇 Ouyang Xiao
北京人,你是谁?Peking Man, who are you?……………. 植村絵美 Emi Uemura
…………………………………………和其他勇敢的冒险者…. And other brave adventurers
……………………………………………. 包括 ….. including …. 曲一镇 Qu Yizhen, Alessandro Rolandi, Orianna Cacchione, 王大船家 Wang Dachuan and family
时间 posted on: 27 April 2013 | 发布者 author: 家作坊 HomeShop | 评论 comment (0) |
分类 filed under: 北京 beijing, 北京人 peking man, 历史 history, 参与 participation, 周口店 zhoukoudian, 城市 urban, 奥运会 olympics, 艺术 art, 项目 project
项目招集 /// Call for Participation
5月1日,家作坊将举办第二期“直立行走”项目,再次步行去往北京房山区周口店北京猿人遗址公园。目的地离北京约60公里,耗时约18个小时,晚上在周口店过夜。 作为一个公众参与项目,我们希望每一位参与者能在活动开始前规划出自己的行走路线(走不了全程没有问题,量力而行),并以其为基础,将行走本身视为一种写作,在运动中构建另一种轨迹,无论是历史、个体故事、 意识形态还是任何一种同一性或连贯逻辑的生产或颠覆。 沿途的历史遗迹、当代景观与日常生活系统都可以成为构成上述运动的概念/物理节点。 如果你对本项目感兴趣,欢迎你将你的想法与联系方式发送到我们的邮箱lianxi@homeshop.org.cn。 我们也会于近期发布本次活动的具体日程安排与活动背景。
Walking Erect II: Journey back to Zhoukoudian
On May 1st, HomeShop is embarking on its second walk to Zhoukoudian, location of the famed Peking Man archaeological site. At nearly 60 km from central Beijing, it is a full day’s walk, and our plan includes an overnight stay near the site. However, this journey through time and space is open to those willing to participate.
See the basic route here:
As a walking project, we are taking the actual historical as well as current sites we pass by as sites for a series of actions along the way, triggering a form of writing-by-walking. (Participants who can’t commit to such distances can also come in at certain points along the route.)
Because of the destination’s symbolic place in modern history and contested place in prehistory, we invite participants to consider histories, stories and false trajectories as contributions, in relation to particular features of the route. The schedule and background of this walk will be rendered in detail soon. Please indicate your desire to participate a.s.a.p. and send your proposals to lianxi@homeshop.org.cn
Join us!
时间 posted on: 10 April 2013 | 发布者 author: 家作坊 HomeShop | 评论 comment (0) |
分类 filed under: 北京 beijing, 北京人 peking man, 历史 history, 参与 participation, 周口店 zhoukoudian, 奥运会 olympics, 时间 time