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Posts tagged ‘周年 anniversary’



— 潘赫、冯俊华,《同时 Companion》2019年1月7日

The text below and four additional essays by HomeShop, Abu, Danmin and Brother 7 were initially commissioned by 同时 Companionmagazine, an initiative of 黄边站 HB Station (广州 Guangzhou). The introductory editorial by HomeShop can be read here, with additional links to be added as they are published sequentially:

  1. 阿布的“北京日记”,2018年12月31发布 / Abu’s “A Beijing Diary”, posted 2018 December 31
  2. 杨立才的“塔锥/星球”, 2019年1月7日发布 / YANG Licai’s “Peak of the Pagoda and a Celestial Body”, posted 2019 January 7 around 17:00 and removed on the basis of complaints of inappropriate content about twenty minutes later
  3. 丹敏的“沾点艺术的边儿”,2019年1月14日发布 / Danmin’s “A Toe in the Fringes of Art”, posted 2018 January 14
  4. 在在的“游吟,我的真实之地”,2019年1月21日发布 / Brother 7’s “Travelling Songs, My Real Places”, posted 2018 January 21
Companion is a periodical which aims to document the various conditions of youth society as a means of making visible and bringing together the experimental thinking of practitioners and creators from various fields.
If you are interested to submittting to Companion or have other ideas for collaboration, please contact: companion201603[at]gmail[dot]com

杨立才参加家作坊《北二条小报》工作坊 / YANG Licai participates in HomeShop’s Beiertiao Leaks community newspaper workshop,2011年5月22日
(摄影 photo:何颖雅 Elaine W. Ho)











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文 TEXT  //  曲一箴 Twist QU、何颖雅 Elaine W. HO、Michael EDDY、植村 絵美 UEMURA Emi、刘颖 Dongdong LIU Ying

家作坊小经厂胡同空间 HomeShop at Xiaojingchang Hutong,2018-2010年(摄影 PHOTO:高伟云 Jeroen de KLOET)

关于这个2018年十二月的到来已经存在很多讨论,认为它纯粹是四十年前那场洪流开闸的一个象征。四十年的开放,一直不间断的变革,使得我们——至少是我们当中年下四十者——并不真的知道“如果不这样,会是什么样?” 纪念日,成了对我们“一直以来都知道”的现状的庆祝。不过生日、周年庆不就是希望事情都如此进行下去、庆祝我们自己以及“事物现有的样子”吗?不是扫大家兴——啊大好盛世万岁万岁——实话说,庆祝现状还是有些令人悲哀沮丧的,即使或者说尤其这现状发展如此不均衡,不间断的转换一切发生的那么快,我们的灵魂都要跟不上了。¹

There has been a lot of talk about the arrival of this December 2018, a purely symbolic commencement of that which was real and like a wildly burst floodgate forty years ago. Forty years now of opening and ongoing change that many of us, at least those of us under forty, don’t really know otherwise, so the anniversary becomes a celebration of a state of existence that we’ve always known. Indeed, are not birthdays and anniversaries merely a wish for things to continue, a celebration of ourselves and ‘the way things are’? Not to be a party pooper—long life and all that hoo hah are great and everything—but to be honest, there is something pathetic and disturbing about the commemoration of the status quo, even if—and perhaps especially if—that status quo is uneven development and constant transition happening so fast that our spirits are unable to keep up.¹


So yes, this particular anniversary is something difficult for us to write about. The act of writing is perhaps exactly an exercise of the spirit, and our spirits have still not caught up. With Opening Up and Reform, but actually also to another, slightly smaller occasion than the one that everyone is talking about.

空间门口的黑板每天更新的PM 2.5天气预报,查看纪录在家作坊的微博:@jiazuofang
Daily PM 2.5 weather reports posted outside HomeShop and on the HomeShop Weibo account @jiazuofang
