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Posts tagged ‘晚饭 dinner’

image: Céline Lamée

You are what you eat / read


Time: Sunday Dec 1st
5pm Reading Group
7pm Dining Group

Where: HomeShop 家作坊

Please RSVP to hello@concreteflux.com in advance if you want to participate in the food event as places are limited!

Food will cost 40RMB per diner.
On Sunday Concrete Flux 流泥 will be hosting a double event at HomeShop 家作坊. In one room, simultaneously, we will be running a reading and discussion group on the theory of hybridity, the theme for Concrete Flux Issue 2, and cooking hybridity-themed food under the guidance of Emi Uemura, Orianna Cacchione and Richard Gong.

The text for our reading group is Chapter One of the quintessential hybridity reading, Homi Bhabha’s The Location of Culture (pdf available here / ENG only).

Join us for an evening of thoughtful discussion at 5pm, and eating from 7pm Sunday 1st December at HomeShop.

十二月一日(本周日)《流泥》将在家作坊的一个空间中举行两个活动。《流泥》第二刊以混杂文化理论为主题,此次两个活动也围绕混杂这个主题展 开。一边是围绕混杂文化理论的阅读和讨论,另一边是Emi Uemura, Orianna Cacchione 和 Richard Gong指导我们做混杂的佳肴。

本次读书会将阅读混杂文化理论 的经典著作Homi Bhabha的《文化地标》(The Location of Culture)的第一章。(下载英文版


一个来自巴勒斯坦(Saadah Saadah)和2名以色列人(Nir Horovitz and Ma’ayan Galim),一起结烹饪从他们的家园的晚餐合食物。
RSVP lianxi@homeshop.org.cn!

Serendipity Dinner
For HomeShop’s public dinner at 7 pm on Friday October 11th, HomeShop hosts a number of serendipitous friends.
For our pleasure, a Palestinian (Saadah Saadah) and 2 Israelis (Nir Horovitz and Ma’ayan Galim) cook a dinner together combining foods from their homelands. They have never met.
They will give brief presentations.
There may be a special dance performance. Only attendees will find out!
30元, max 30 people
RSVP at lianxi@homeshop.org.cn!!





3.自我组织出版物Concrete Flux的介绍




On Sunday, July 14th, from 7 pm, celebrate the storming of the Bastille and the birth of the modern nation with us at HomeShop’s July potluck.

A number of presentations will burst into the courtyard, including:

— Self-Defense Qi Gong by Zhu Feng

— A preview of HomeShop’s “Party Time” Project

— An introduction of the independent journal Concrete Flux by its editors

The menu will reflect this momentous date appropriately.

RSVP by Saturday at: lianxi@homeshop.org.cn

Max. 30 places, 30 元 per person.