我们邀请到 Alessandro Rolandi(李山) 作为嘉宾,他将选用农夫市集的食材为大家烹饪意大利烩饭。作为交换,他会请客人在中国老式糖果包装纸上写上“一个消息到西部”,这些糖果将在今年年底在罗马展出。
On Sunday October 13th, from 11:00 to 16:00 at Sanyuan Qiao Phoenix City (See the Map), HomeShop will hold its fifth edition of True and False as part of the Beijing Farmers’ Market and Country Fair.
Our guest is Alessandro Rolandi, who will be offering visitors tastes of his Italian risotto c0oked on-site using materials available in the market. In exchange, he will ask visitors to write their “Message to the West” on vintage Chinese candy wrappers that will be distributed with candy to gallery-goers at Gallery Apart, Rome, as part of the group show ‘Subterfuge’, opening January 18th 2014.