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Posts tagged ‘archive’


Seven one-on-one recorded dialogues between HomeShop organizers took place in the autumn of 2014, to accompany and reflect on some of the objects included in the 「我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat」 archive. Topics included: the question of rules as a common ground, the initiation and dissolution of artist projects, community-based participatory art vs. community-based social work, art as service, finding one’s role within the open platform and the role of a dead cat in democracy.

关于民主,怎么埋猫 about democracy and how to bury a cat
关于饮食和“在一起”性的实验 about eating together and being together, the experiment
关于家作坊“万物库”和服务 about the HomeShop “Ten Thousand Item Treasury” and service
关于规则和伦理关系 about the rules and ethics of self-organization
关于艺术与社区 about art and community
关于参与性和结局性 about participation and ending
关于厨房分用和个体角色 about sharing the kitchen and individual roles

请点这里查看更多关于「我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat」项目。

Click here for more information about the 「我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat」project.

798见鬼啦…… Sighting in 798! 

由艺术工作者们运作的空间“家作坊” 关门已近一年。此次参与「不在图像中行动」群展,是为了对其五年半的工作和玩乐经历进行一次回溯性寻析。自2008年 这个协作式项目成立,其自我组织与进程性的空间、参与者和活动,无不显示出多样性和互动性;而这些特性,既无法用某单一视角进行统辖,也 无可能完整复原其 具体情状。此次回顾因此是矛盾的、主观的、也是对话式的。

 也因此,「我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat」项目,毋宁说是在短暂回忆以及残留印记中进行的一次“采样”。它们来自日常生活、组织结构、诸多的可能性和死胡同、从未存在之物 事,也来自一些幽 灵。归档于此的这100多个物件便是此次采样成果。家作坊还特地制作了视频对话,印制了导览册,为您提供陪同与注解,以方便您在其间游 历;它们详载的历史 所能引发的叙事之旅,不一而足。回溯是生产;是一种出没于这一系列旧物件中的“精灵”;也是一种马后炮协作。  “玩儿”的时间不再有了!

Almost one year after artist-run space HomeShop closed its doors, its participation in the group exhibition Unlived by What is Seen is an attempt to retrospectively address five-and-a-half years of work and play. The multiplicity and dynamics that defined this collaborative project since its inception in 2008—including its spaces, people and activities, self-organized and processual—do not necessarily add up to a singular viewpoint, nor can they be easily mapped. Retrospection is paradoxical. Subjective. Dialogical.

「我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat」thus appears here as a sampling of ephemera and residuals—from daily life, from the structures of organization, from other possibilities and deadends, from things that never were, and, from a few ghosts. Specially prepared video dialogues and printed guides shall serve as your escorts and annotations to the more than 100 items included in this archive; the history they recount may lead you on any number of narrative journeys. Retrospection is production. A spirit attending a series of old objects. A kind of collaboration postmortem. There’s no more time to play!

「我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat」项目的构思者和实施者包括:小欧、Michael EDDY、何穎雅、Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA和曲一箴.

「我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat」has been conceived and carried out by Orianna CACCHIONE, Michael EDDY, Elaine W. HO, Fotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA and Twist QU.

“不在图像中行动 Unlived by What is Seen” 
Sun Yuan & Peng Yu, Cui Cancan
策展人:孙原&彭禹 崔灿灿

2014年12月13日 – 2015年3月15日
Dates: December 13, 2014 — March 15, 2015
Venues: Galleria Continua, Pace Beijing, Tang Contemporary Art

展厅局部 installation view
展厅局部 installation view

展厅局部 installation view

Detailed view of HomeShop archive with the following objects: #11 Not Including Someone as HomeShop Member (non-realized initiative, e-mail, 2012); #28 Handwritten Notes Exchanged with Xiao Li (paper, 2009 – 2013); #43 WaoBao! Quilt (hand-stitched fabrics [mixed], 2013); and one of seven screens playing recorded dialogues between HomeShop organizers.

家作坊档案的局部图,包括以下物件:#89各种图标(胶皮印章、贴纸,2009–2013年);#49白瓷砖(陶瓷,2010–2013年);#53:“众口难调”(盐、食用油,2011年);#10:电梯游说(未实现的倡议,2012年);#84扣锁钥匙(铝,2010年);和#69家作坊前厅日志(手工制作笔记本,A5纸,60页, 2012年)
Detailed view of HomeShop archive with the following objects: #89 Various Logos (rubber stamps, sticker paper, 2009 – 2013) ; #49 White Tile (ceramic, 2010 – 2013) ; #53: “It is hard to please all” (salt, cooking oil, 2011) ; #10: Elevator Pitch (non-realized initiative, 2012); #84 Padlock Key (aluminum, 2010); and #69 Front Space Notebook (handmade A5-sized notebook, 60 pages, 2012).

exhibition guidebook entry number 3, the runaway cats of HomeShop

策展⼈人提供的家作坊介绍 description of HomeShop provided by the curators
This wall text appeared next to our installation two days before the opening, surprising us all with its framing of HomeShop as a “spiritual” project pursuing “absolute equal-democracy”. Most of us felt this was patently absurd or simply reflected a gross misunderstanding as to how HomeShop fit within the curatorial direction of the exhibition—while certain others among us were quite pleased by its lofty exaggerations.

展厅局部 installation view

展厅局部 installation view

作为《我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat》展览的一部分,家作坊印制了自己的册子,用导览手册的形式对所有展示的档案物进行了编号叙述。以下这篇是1号入口:

《我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat》





As part of 《我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat, HomeShop published its own catalogue in the form of a guidebook with numbered descriptions of all items included in the exhibited archive. The following prologue is entry number 1:

《我的负能量是你的正能量,or,或者,The Grin Without The Cat》
archive, 102 items of various sizes and media

The choice not to participate in the group show Unlived by What is Seen could also have been valid, and was certainly honestly considered. Bringing the practices of HomeShop to the 798 art district brought up translation problems, with contextual sensitivity and criticality, and desires for autonomy being what held together an interdisciplinary mix of individuals. This most likely could not be reproduced in the art district, and certainly not posthumously.

In any case, the terms of the invitation seemed open enough, and signaled the challenges of what can be called a retrospective phase. We agreed this was of enough interest to work together, despite the dilemma of who and what we are—because we are not HomeShop.This particular group bound by what was, is not trying to be everything that was. And contrary to what some might have thought, this gathering isn’t in order to have a party!

This archive is a pre-emptive response to the question of who writes history. Especially in the case of self-initiated and discontinued projects that, like HomeShop, may have existed at the edges of an art scene—to be rediscovered later or not—there is a task to speak for oneself, despite the contradictory loss of voice.

An archive is a tool toward retrospection but can never be truly complete. Among those items gathered from across this and other worlds, this archive includes a range not only from what had been successfully produced in visible and material forms, but also that which may have gone wrong or was never realized, as well as the dynamics of their relations and mediations.We hope these function in part as potential tools or case studies for others, while calling to mind the missing elements and contradictions involved in any historicization.

《你吃了吗?》是一篇有关农业以及食品生产和消费的艺术家实践汇编。本汇编相当于一个 数据库,其目的是帮助人们收集,对比,和学习这些艺术家的实践,意图,方法,社会网络。它是一 个正在进行中的列表,这一列表是在中国的语境和可获得的信息条件下为《市集/Country Fair》项目 所做的。但它也寻求这类实践的国际信息。本汇编在网络和市集上都可以找到。 因为这类艺术实践在现代艺术中谈及的较少,所以本数据库是很有必要的。颇具讽刺的是可及性还是许多这类艺术 家的项目所关注的。泛泛地说,虽然这些艺术实行常常跟本地环境、经济和社会体 系有关,但是它们大部分也关系到共有知识网络,在许多情况下 也巧妙地,综合地使用了科技手段。 当 然,艺术家个人网站上的信息是更深入的;《你吃了吗?》只是走近他们工作的一个切入点 。

“Have you eaten yet?” is a collection of artist practices that work with farming and food production and consumption. It is meant as a database to find, compare and learn from these art practices, and their intentions, their methods, their networks. This is an ongoing list being compiled for the project Country Fair, within the context of China and the information available here, but it seeks to connect information of these practices internationally. It is presented online as well as at each Country Fair.

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