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Posts tagged ‘哲学 philosophy’

Following our last meeting on grassroots activism in China, we find the term “activist” returning back to some concerns (the object or the relation?) related to the discussion of 2 meetings ago, on “speculative reason,” by way of a detour.* 

We will be reading from “Semblance and Event,” a recent book by Brian Massumi, philosopher and translator of “1000 Plateaux” by GIlles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. We will take a look at the introductory text to the book.

Also addressed will be “千高原” (Chinese version of “1000 Plateaux,”) as the English text is a bit long for our Chinese-speaking Friends. The introduction was suggested as a good resource for our inevitable wanderings off the straight and narrow. 

The next meeting is planned for Sunday June 24th, 6pm at HomeShop.

If you are interested in receiving the text, please inquire.

*(The detour has to do with 开封 河南 Kaifeng, Henan, and a bilious conflict between OOO-ists [object-oriented ontology] and the POO-ists [process-oriented ontology]… will explain to those interested at the meeting.)

Last meeting in discussing the anthropological features of humans (bio-historical linguistic disoriented animal whose innovativeness is what endows it for acts of “evil”) we stumbled, again, on the possibility to assign human nature. One person claimed this is always a problem, as the definition can never be made outside of the time in which it is stated. Truism? 

But this does lead to speculations about what is possible to know.

Recently, some mention has been made of time here and there. Questions about objects (as they exist in time? as they exist beyond the grasp of our consciousness, precede and outlast us) shift the discussion to a place some of us are not really familiar with. Can this metaphysics be a detour to another time for us?

For next meeting, the text “On the Undermining of Objects: Grant, Bruno, and Radical Philosophy” by Graham Harman, is proposed. (p. 21–40 in the attached PDF “The Speculative Turn: Continental Materialism and Realism,” 2010) 

The meeting is scheduled at HomeShop on May 13th at 6pm. 



纵向差异划分的标准是智慧。那么什么是智慧?为什么它是划分纵向差异的标准呢?智慧包括三种能力:意识的能力,即对自身和自身以外的世界的感知和了悟能力 (power for sense and insight)。意愿的能力,即在感知和了悟后产生的独立意愿能力(power for independent will)。自由力,即实现独立愿望的能力(power for realizing will)。越是高等的存在,越有更多的智慧。我们观察一下便可以知道,从非生物,植物,动物,到人,乃至超人主要是智慧发生了变化,无生命的物质对自我和周围的世界没有了悟,没有了悟也就没有意愿,更谈不上自由。植物开始有了意愿,但没有了悟,意愿极有限,不能移动,自由度也甚低,主要是被动地适应自然。动物随着等级的升高,意愿逐渐升高,但了悟力仍很低,自由度也不高。人有着极广,极强烈的意愿,但彼此之间了悟力差异甚大,自由度差异也甚大。


我是一个没有专长的人,常愿意思考点问题,也愿意和朋友交流所思考的东西,相互赞同时,可以相互促动着思索,相互反对时,可以相互纠正着发展,总 之都能使思索得到推动,得到补充,得到一个从另一个角度看问题的机会,从而使头脑变得更丰富,更开放,更智慧。

“纵向差异”的观点我早已有之。可过去仅是一个个人的观察,判断事物方法。后来在与朋友的交流过程中我发现大多数人都不是像我这样看问题。于是争 论开始了,在争论的过程中“纵向差异”的观点开始走向了纵深,开始变得愈加清晰,直至现在我可以用这一观点来理解,解释,解答许多不容易看清楚的 问题,有些也是较为深刻的问题。我想说给大家听听,以求共同探索,或探索“纵向差异”本身,或以此来探索其他问题。

I am a person without any special skills, but I like to reflect on issues and discuss with friends about them. When we agree, it prods our thinking, and when we don’t agree, it gives us the opportunity to clarify paths of thought. At the very least we can always be pushed, further our thinking and gain the opportunity to see problems from a different point of view. From this we enrichen our minds, open up and gain knowledge.

Early on I already held the opinion of “hierarchical differences”. Before it was just based upon my own personal observations, a manner by which to judge objects/matter. Later, during discussions with friends I found that most people do not think about things in the same way that I do. This is how our controversy began, and it is during these disputes that the issue of hierarchical difference began to take on a kind of depth and become ever more clear for me. With these new perspectives I now find that I am able to understand, explain and answer many difficult and ambiguous questions, a few not unprofound questions. I would like to share my thoughts with everyone, and hope that we can explore these ideas together, the nature of hierarchical difference itself or perhaps even another kind of issue.








First written for inclusion in 《穿》WEAR journal number two, not printed, but eventually published at 《塞壬_Siren》online magazine, Issue 1, May 2010.