“The Large Glass (half empty)”, from The Drawing Machine series written with Processing, 2006-2010, Alex GIBSON
Alex GIBSON主持的数字艺术讲习课
A Digital Art Workshop facilitated by Alex GIBSON
日期: 2011年1月30日,周日 - 14.00 – 17.00
费用: 免费。如果你喜欢Alex的讲习课并愿意支持家作坊办的活动,欢迎现场赞助!
Date/Time: Sunday, 30 January 2011, 14.00 – 17.00
Fee: Free, but donations highly appreciated.
Reservations requested, please e-mail: lianxi[at]homeshop[dot]org[dot]cn.
家作坊诚邀你来参加计算机编程基础课。本课适合于艺术家,设计师,建筑师以及对使用Processing开发环境感兴趣的人员。本讲习课将集中为需要创建影像,动画,互动媒体的朋友讲解如何创制互动和生成框架。Processing 是一个开放原始码的程序语言及开发环境,本语言被广泛应用于学习,原型制作以及生产。更多信息请造访: http://www.douban.com/group/processing/.
HomeShop invites you to participate in a workshop about the basics of computer programming for artists, designers, architects and anyone interested in using the Processing development environment. The workshop will focus on creating interactive and generative frameworks for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions. It is an open-source programming language that has become widely used for learning, prototyping and production. For more information about Processing, please visit: http://processing.org/.
No prior knowledge of computer programming is required to participate. You only need to provide your own Macintosh, Windows or Linux laptop computer and begin brewing ideas for your own application/experiment. The workshop will be in English with basic Chinese translation.