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Posts tagged ‘街道 street’

失物 026:北京“接头暗箱
重新发现于:艺术家Aram Bartholl的《速度书》

Lost Object No. 26: HomeShop DeadDrop
Discovered Missing: approximately 7 years ago
Location Lost: HomeShop (Jiaodaokou Beiertiao)
Location Found: Aram Bartholl’s The Speed Book



— 潘赫、冯俊华,《同时 Companion》2019年1月7日

The text below and four additional essays by HomeShop, Abu, Danmin and Brother 7 were initially commissioned by 同时 Companionmagazine, an initiative of 黄边站 HB Station (广州 Guangzhou). The introductory editorial by HomeShop can be read here, with additional links to be added as they are published sequentially:

  1. 阿布的“北京日记”,2018年12月31发布 / Abu’s “A Beijing Diary”, posted 2018 December 31
  2. 杨立才的“塔锥/星球”, 2019年1月7日发布 / YANG Licai’s “Peak of the Pagoda and a Celestial Body”, posted 2019 January 7 around 17:00 and removed on the basis of complaints of inappropriate content about twenty minutes later
  3. 丹敏的“沾点艺术的边儿”,2019年1月14日发布 / Danmin’s “A Toe in the Fringes of Art”, posted 2018 January 14
  4. 在在的“游吟,我的真实之地”,2019年1月21日发布 / Brother 7’s “Travelling Songs, My Real Places”, posted 2018 January 21
Companion is a periodical which aims to document the various conditions of youth society as a means of making visible and bringing together the experimental thinking of practitioners and creators from various fields.
If you are interested to submittting to Companion or have other ideas for collaboration, please contact: companion201603[at]gmail[dot]com

杨立才参加家作坊《北二条小报》工作坊 / YANG Licai participates in HomeShop’s Beiertiao Leaks community newspaper workshop,2011年5月22日
(摄影 photo:何颖雅 Elaine W. Ho)











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the danwei and the government strike back!  (but the date tree is still standing…)

   交道口北二条8号 Jiaodaokou Beiertiao 8, 2017年7月

过几天…… and a few days later…

The following is cross-posted from Petra JOHNSON’s original notes at 小卖部 Kiosk, first published on 9 April 2012. It is the beginning of a choreographic dialogue involving walking, gardening and “getting to know” along two parallel routes in Cologne and Beijing. You can view her route in Beijing here.

When you walk 600 strides from the North Exit of the central World Heritage Centre in both Cologne and Beijing you will find yourself at the locations shown below: The Cologne route leads diagonally over the forecourt of the main train station to the taxi rank, then it heads toward a ring road and there turns right into Marzellenstrasse. After 600 strides, you are just before a small enclave called Ursulaplatz on the opposite side of the road.

Ursulaplatz shelters one tree that hovers over a fast road and is hovered over by a railway line. The predominant sound is the droning of cars passing out of sight below, occasionally relieved by a passing train passing above.

In Beijing the route proceeds from the exit at the Northern End of the Imperial Palace just opposite Jinshang Park and turns right into the pathway along the moat. At the first junction it turns left into Jingshan West Street and runs through the small stretch of park outside the wall of Jingshan Park. Early in the morning, the predominant sound here is that of birds singing.

Elderly men have brought their pet birds contained in beautiful wooden cages for a bit if fresh air. The cages are hung on the trees and whilst the men chat amongst each other sitting on benches on the other side of the path, the birds sing in the privacy of trees, each sitting on a perch in their cage.

Last night (April, 10th) E and I compared notes. How many strides did it take to walk the respective routes? In Cologne, the route had been stretched just before I left in order to accommodate Mahira’s request to wind itself around the new mosque and the Jewish Community Centre, in Beijing the route has remained the same. I was concerned that the routes no longer matched in terms of length. Elaine had walked the Beijing route the previous night and counted 8093 strides, the Cologne route had taken me 8040 strides. There is a saying by the German writer Duerrenmatt: ‘The more careful you plan, the more opportunity you give to serendipity.” He clearly has a point. What rational explanation lies behind this surprising and pleasant discovery? I too had walked the route in Beijing and counted my strides. A quick mathematical calculation established that the ratio between our strides is 1:4.

So what seems long becomes short and the short becomes long yet everything is as it should be – as long as the planning is comprehensive and thorough. I had always thought that planning was there to prevent surprises, it turns out planning enables them.

image of small turtle waiting while swimming tool is made level using Samuel KALIKA’s handy iPhone level application.

失物品 012:小乌龟(壳差不多9厘米长,头和尾巴伸出来的时候差不多14厘米)
发生失踪时间:2011年08月24日, 下午3点52分

Lost & Found Object No. 012: small turtle (shell approximately 9 cm long, with appendages protruding approximately 14 cm)
Last seen: 24 August 2011, 15.52
Location: HomeShop turtle swimming pool

失物品 013:被拆散的录音磁带
时间:2011年08月17日, 下午4点半

Lost & Found Object No. 013: unraveled cassette tape
Date & Time: 17 August 2011, 16.30
Location: southwest corner of the intersection between Sanlitun North Road and Dongzhimen Outer Street


如果您要收回家作坊失物招领处的任何物品,或者有关于小乌龟的信息,请跟我们联系Please contact HomeShop if you would like to reclaim any lost & found item or have information regarding the turtle.

photos taken by GB, ME and ES along their daily route.

参与方式即在http://beijing.re-place.info提交你的路线。Participate now by submitting your own route online at http://beijing.re-place.info.


延续了PROGRAM和Transit Lounge在2007年发起的rePLACE柏林项目,北京的活动开始于一个公共的邀请,目的是去重新认识 作为一个与日常生活经验息息相关的,对时间与场所的动态记录的城市。


任何人,只要是在北京,都可以通过标出一条每天经常走的路,并记录下沿途的固定场景或者特定时刻参与进来。只需要根据提示上传你的路线和你途中观察发现所记录下的文字、图像、视频以及/或者录音。 你也可以参与别人准备好的”组团旅行”,只需要下载任何已经上传好的PDF地图并重新体验别人每天的固定路线。


The rituals of everyday life trace regular paths along streets and through buildings, organising the solids and voids of the built environment into narratives and patterns of association. Complicated by memory and social rituals, our experience of the city is of a dynamic place, a stage for public performances and private tragedies, of significant moments and the incredibly mundane. The habits, rituals, and actions of its population, the lived experiences within the city define it as something that is always current, always in constant, random movement.

rePLACE BEIJING begins by a public invitation to reconsider the city as an active process of documenting time and place inseparable from our everyday, lived experience. Your participation is requested as a singular contribution towards an alternative, collective understanding of how the city both literally and metaphorically vibrates, or where ‘the beaten track’ runs rich with/counter to personal knowledge, memory and cultural myth.

Please join rePLACE by mapping out a frequent route from your day-to-day life. Record the regular patterns and particular moments associated with your journey, then simply follow the instructions to upload your route as well as text, images, video and/or sound documenting observations and discoveries made along the way.

Through the various stages of the project, rePLACE seeks to provide a way to understand the city, not only through its built spaces, but in the ways its residents are interacting with it in their daily lives — the routes we follow and the moments where these routes cross, overlap or run tangent to each other. This is foremost a reconsideration of history and image-making outside of our traditional understandings of these terms, where forms of heritage preservation can go beyond passive historicisation and generate living processes to actively celebrate the city-in-flux.

rePLACE柏林是一个由PROGRAMTransit Lounge于2007年发起的项目。 2011年的rePLACE由Daniel Berndt、何颖雅与Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga组织。rePLACE柏林和rePLACE贝鲁特由Anna Lindh欧洲-地中海文化交流基金会、 阿拉伯图片基金研究中心以PROGRAM支持。rePLACE北京由家作坊支持。 更多的信息请e-mail联系: mail[圈A]re-place[点]info
rePLACE is a project initiated in 2007 by PROGRAM and Transit Lounge. rePLACE in 2011 is organized by Daniel Berndt, Elaine W. Ho and Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga. rePLACE BERLIN and rePLACE BEIRUT are supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation, Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development, the Arab Image Foundation and PROGRAM. rePLACE BEIJING is supported by HomeShop and PROGRAM. For more information please contact: mail[at]re-place[dot]info

The CD was composed of American commercial rap and r&b sped up and seamlessly mixed into one-hour mp3’s. He used this pulsing and unrelenting rhythm to fuel his wild progress, despite the near opacity of the lyrics to his ears. Young and tidy, with glistening hair and a craggy cheek surface formed of the new sustenance, he was an image of youth, an animation of the performance of youth under pressures. We climbed in and with the door’s closure, an easygoing promise of timely delivery and an immediate u-turn in front of an oncoming bus set a tone for a sequence of negotiations and split-second decisions informed by flowing intuition. This pointed awareness did not count the law chiefly as its limit, working along its approximate guidelines, but hovering in a parallel state where speed and safety are blurry, immeasurable energies constituting pure duration. Looking at the license on the dashboard, one noted an older, pale, balding man gazing back; the spirit and attitude of driving had either rejuvenated an adult, or made an adult of a boy. The maneuvers, which included burst-passing on the narrow 2-lane causeways that elegantly cross-hatch the edges of East Lake, cutting corners early shadowing mini-vans, and swerving around piles of debris, not to mention hurtling past other speeding cars on the new elevated freeways, all made up a language of an urban space that sprang up and lay half-destroyed and half-in-progress. As such, it was not the code of a single person, though he is the atomic driver in an incalculable system of circulation and friction; but he can only be the atom in tension with the particles exploding around him. Even the pedestrian on the rubble margin senses the shifting values and instant momentum transformations, adjusting to this general spatial intelligence with minimal violence; the other drivers play variations on each other’s motions, together developing the chaotic vocabulary that oscillates between efficiency and entropy, creating such tropes as the cautioning head-lamp flicker and the selfish congesting lane-take. Just like the tireless and carnal mp3 soundtrack accompanying the sequence to its end, these signifying gestures don’t accumulate toward a thesis, but in their isolation gradually chip away at time, leaving us dizzy and early, present, in front of the Hankou train station. There are no straight roads, and in Wuhan, the atomic driver must hustle space with the will of an unstable citizen.