时间 date__ 2012 09 22,周六 Saturday
工作坊时间 workshop time__下午4点-6点 16:00-18:00
工作坊主题 workshop topic__玩!有关身体的游戏 Design Guide for Playing your Body
报名请联系 registration__ lianxi [at] homeshop.org.cn,010 8403 0952
身体是我们可以游戏人间的根本,我们玩的好多,玩iPhone,玩音乐,玩忧郁,玩做作,玩暧昧,玩感情,玩政治⋯⋯ 就是很少玩我们这个根本。此次家-工-作坊从讨论身体性最多的舞踏中提取一些基础元素设置了几个小游戏,让我们来玩玩我们的身体。身体多好玩,身体好好玩!
The body is the fundamental playing piece for life’s little games. We play all the time—with our iPhones, with music, with melancholy, with being a bad ass, with politics…we only play too seldom with the most basic thing. So for this Home-Work-Shop we’ll begin with a discussion on the body through game in order to get a gist for the fundamentals of butoh dance. Play your body, play with your body, oh oh, your body!
This Home-Work-Shop will be followed by a special performance by organisers YE Hui and BEIO. The DUSTbar will be seriously open to keep all seriousness play and all play serious.
演出时间 performance time__ 晚8点 20:00
票价 cost__ 30RMB(含啤酒一只 includes one beer)
演出人员介绍 about the performers__
高中退学,画画写作流浪于上海,厦门,成都,长沙等地,09年开始自学舞踏,11年在印度旅行时偶遇日本舞踏家Rhizome Lee,在他的舞社(Subbody Butoh Himalaya)学习并表演。他与国内多名即兴乐手合作,参与了多场以声音与身体当场化的即兴碰撞为主的艺术项目(如2010年策划的“宁静爆破学”系列以及2012与李剑鸿,VAVABOND合作参加第四届SALLY CAN’T DANCE),现与年轻的提琴手闫玉龙进行新的组合尝试。
Butoh worker, born 1987 in Zhejiang Province. Currently living and working in Beijing.
After leaving high school, BEIO began painting and leading a drifter’s life from Shanghai to Xiamen, Chengdu to Changsha and other places. In 2009 he began self-study in butoh dance, and in 2011 during a trip to India he had a fortuitous encounter with Japanese butoh artist Rhizome Lee. He began to perform with Lee’s Subbody Butoh Himalaya dance troupe, and in China he now often works with improvisational musicians to create performances and art projects that spontaneously combust sound and the body together. Recent work includes: curation of the “A Study for Tranquil Explosion” project (2010), 4th annual Sally Can’t Dance festival collaboration with LI Jianhong and VAVABOND (2012), and new experimentation and collaboration with young violinist YAN Yulong (current).
叶慧 YE Hui
1981年生于广东,中国。1997-2002年于中国广州学习作曲和电子乐;2004-2011年在维也纳音乐与表演艺术大学学习作曲与电子音乐,师从DetlevMueller‐Siemens,German Toro‐Perez and Karlheinz Essl,并于2011年取得硕士学位。自2010在维也纳应用艺术大学攻读数码艺术专业。她以一个作曲家,媒体艺术家和自然声响以及电脑音乐表演者的身份工作和生活在维也纳。叶慧的创作以器乐作曲作品,声音视觉(audio-visual art)装置和电子即兴表演为主。她的器乐以及装置作品曾在欧洲多个音乐,艺术节被展示,如:Carinthischer Sommer、Jeunesse Wien、Moozak Festival Wien、Medienfestival Tuehbinger、World Music Days 2012 等。
Born 1981 in Guangdong, China. Studied composition and electronic music in Guangzhou from 1997 to 2002, and received her masters degree from the Vienna University of Music and Performance in 2011, with professors Detlev Mueller‐Siemens and German Toro‐Perez and Karlheinz Essl. From 2010 she also began to study digital art at the Vienna Art Academy, and she thus now works with a varied identity, combining music composition, media art, natural sound, digital music and performance. Her artwork, instrumental music work, audio-visual pieces and installations foremost create improvised interactions with digital performance. She has performed and exhibited at various music and art festivals, including: Carinthischer Sommer, Jeunesse Wien, Moozak Festival Wien, Medienfestival Tuehbinger and World Music Days 2012。
活动组织者 this Home-Work-Shop and event organised by__ 北鸥 BEIO、页慧 YE Hui、何颖雅 Elaine W. HO、王尘尘 Cici WANG