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Posts tagged ‘worms’

The HomeShop farm continues to gain momentum! Some updates…

potato minimalism with neighbor seedbed (葫芦 hulu, 丝瓜 sigua, 南瓜 pumpkin), compost pumpkin seeds (in wood box, foreground) and stubborn tomato starter seeds in leftover takeout.

The permanent compost facility before (left) and after (right). (On far left you can see basket containers we picked up from fruit vendor, they were mango boxes.)

豆子 Beans. (type?) and maybe grass. Or 芝麻菜 arugula.

甜菜根 Red Beets

龙蒿 Tarragon


Turtle den with 大葱 onions, 葫芦巴 fenugreek and various seed pots.

Double decker; 紫苏(大叶)shiso on top, 大蒜 garlic and 黄瓜 cucumber below.

秋葵荚 Okra, we hope!

Today we did some re-organizing of the space and the full range of containers that are now almost fully planted (many already 2 weeks ago) with the following plant types:
草莓 strawberry plant (from LDF)
葫芦巴 fenugreek (from Indian friends)
南瓜 pumpkins (seeds started growing from compost)
葫芦 hulu gourds + 丝瓜 towel gourd + 南瓜 pumpkin (from neighbor)
大蒜 garlic (from leftover head)
大葱 onion (left in soil last year)
龙蒿 tarragon (commercial seeds from Canada)
香菜 cilantro (commercial seeds from China)
紫苏(大叶)shiso (commercial seeds from Japan)
黄豆 soybeans (from neighbor)
西红柿 tomato (commercial seeds from Japan, trying to sprout them, no sign yet)
秋葵荚 okra (commercial seeds from Japan)
土豆 potato (from leftover potatoes)
芝麻菜 rucola (commercial seeds from Canada)
甜菜根 red beets (commercial seeds from Canada)
芹菜 celery (commercial seeds from China)
薄荷 mint + 迷迭香 rosemary (cuttings from “Italian” farm in Beijing)
苦瓜 bitter melon (commercial seeds from China)
西葫芦 zucchini (commercial seeds from China)
菠菜 spinach (commercial seeds from China)
and probably some more…

One batch from the riverbed near Little Donkey Farm; another from last year’s mobile garden; some lifted from a nearby park (with clumps of grass); some even resulting from the compost underway since last month or so.

The compost systems were also checked up on and updated.
The various types: EM plastic box starter w/o micro-organisms;
cardboard box blend;
styrofoam box blends;
clay pot blend;
worm compost, slow but still going.
They are all more or less converting to useable soil, we mixed this material with drier dirt from the park today, as some had moldy parts. It seems to be going well.

Baskets from a fruit vendor, pots and containers from here and there. A large plastic container brought by a re:farm participant to hold “grey water.” Still needed: windshield wiper pumps, ladder.

See more at re:farm. Coming soon…