Lijiang Studio 丽江工作室 (中国 CN)
“Lijiang Studio is a place for farmers, scientists, artists, students, workers, professionals and amateurs to work on their processes of learning as best they can. Lijiang Studio is interested in whatever you might want to send us. Next projects include printmaking, a mural using natural pigments from our area, and some continental drifting.”
A Naxi Concert
“A rehearsal before the performance.
According to the conductor Yang Youhe’s introduction, most players who performed today came from an upcoming listing band named “Lijiang Hump Music Club,” which consists of more than 40 persons with different careers. Most members have retired, the majority are urban peasants. Ethnic music occupies a wider range now, rather than simply playing classical music or local songs; musical knowledge is very important, and people need specialized training to play. These amateurs with limited rehearsal time but still improve their playing level very quickly. But they should spend more time rehearsing, change their hobbies into serious learning attitudes. It should shift from a band (amateurish) to a band (musical).
Most songs in this performance are Chinese traditional songs, including classical songs like Hong Lake Water, as well as folk songs. There are also some foreign songs, like Three-Horse Carriage, My Sun, and so on. In order to create a lively atmosphere, we add some percussion, and the Chinese folk instrument called suona.”
Organized by Yang Zemin, the secretary-general of Lijiang Studio, held in the residence at Jixiang Village, Lashihainan, at 3:00 p.m., Oct 13.
据 指挥杨友和介绍,今天来表演的很大一部分是来自一支即将挂牌的乐队,名字已定为“丽江市驼峰音乐俱乐部 ”,这个乐队共有40多个来自各行各业音乐爱好者,大部分已经退休,城市农民居多。现在民族音乐范围比较宽,不像单纯地演奏古乐或地方性曲目,乐理知识很 重要,需要进行专门的训练。这些业余爱好者一起排练的时间不多,但是水平提高还是很快,但是还是应该要多加排练,把爱好变成一种认真学习的态度。从“乐队 (自娱自乐)”向“乐队(音乐)”看齐。
Greenhouse: A Summer Improvement
This greenhouse was a response to the fact that most food in the Lijiang area is sold in the town of Lijiang, and farmers often take a minibus into town to buy vegetables. The greenhouse should allow us to grow our own fruit and vegetables in all seasons, saving many trips to town.
It’s the first greenhouse in Hainan village, and if it functions well enough it may be copied by others around here. To build it properly, our neighbor Lao He went to the local government to get the specs on what does and does not work in this climate etc.
Neighbors, friends, and family pitched in to build the greenhouse, as people here do when a house goes up or a road gets built. This is known in Chinese as 交工, (jiao gong) or “exchanging work”.
Toad/hail video shoot by KATALOG
癞蛤蟆/冰雹录像拍摄: KATALOG
Min Tanaka performance
Images from the third performance, in He Shiyuan’s barnyard, October 28, 2007