For the next meeting of the Happy Friends Reading Club, scheduled for 5 pm on Sunday, September 1st, 2013 we will cover chapters 8–10 of Who Owns the Future? by Jaron Lanier (2013… read what you can).
Following a sequence of readings on science fiction, utopia, human economies, and value, we turn to the words of “the prophet of Silicon Valley” (Simon & Schuster, publisher) to wonder whether micropayments can redeem the promises of this dystopia we have sunk into. mmm, sounds a little Utopian.
Please leave a comment if you would like to receive a copy of the text.

时间 posted on: 15 August 2013 |
发布者 author: michael eddy |
评论 comment (0) |
分类 filed under: 乌托邦 Utopia, 互联网 internet, 技术 technology, 电脑 computer, 网络 network, 读书小组 reading club, 资料 information, 钱 money

Tyler Coburn (USA) will be performing I’m that angel in HomeShop at 7 pm on Saturday, August 3rd. The language of performance will be English.
“I’m that angel is a cycle of writings and performances that explore the conditions of how we work on and against the computer, narrated from the perspective of a “content farmer”: an emergent type of online journalist contracted to generate articles based on words peaking in Google Trends.” —Tyler Coburn
八月三日下午7时,泰勒科伯恩(美国)将在家作坊做《我是那个天使》行为艺术表演。工作语言:英语。 “我是天使”是一个系列写作和行为艺术,探讨我们是如何用电脑工作又对其充满无奈的状态。从一个“时文佃户”的视角来叙述:一种新兴网络记者,受雇于人,以谷歌高频词为基础生成文章。
Tyler Coburn (b. 1983, New York City) is an artist and writer based in New York. He received a Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature from Yale University and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Coburn’s projects have been presented at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London; the Whitney Museum of American Art; Objectif Exhibitions, Antwerp; CAC Vilnius; LAXART, Los Angeles; and SculptureCenter, New York.
泰勒科伯恩(出生1983年,紐約市),長年在纽约市發展,具有藝術家和作家背景。 他獲得耶魯大學的比較文學文學士以及洛杉磯南加州大學美 術碩士。
科伯恩的作品已在倫 敦當代藝術院以及惠特尼美國藝術博物館、安特衛普和紐約的雕塑中心展示。
时间 posted on: 1 August 2013 |
发布者 author: 家作坊 HomeShop |
评论 comment (0) |
分类 filed under: 家工作坊 HomeWorkShop, 活动 event, 电脑 computer, 网络 network, 翻译 translation, 表演 performance, 语言 language

“Letter”在英文中既有字母的意思,也指代信件。在DUSTbar的“字母表”中,每个字母代表一个人,他们曾经与DUSTbar相遇,并建立了友谊。比如,A代表“阿布”,B代表“本杰明”。在Google Maps的帮助下,上面的图片展示了DUSTbar的“关系地图”。更多细节:字母表。
Spring is approaching along with the sand storms. Now it’s exact the right time for flying dust, and DUSTbar starts its new plan: letters wandering.
“Letter” means either an alphabetic character or a mail. Here in the DUSTbar’s “Alphabet”, each letter stands for one person who has ever encountered DUSTbar and built up friendship with it. For example, A stands for “A Bu”, B stands for “Benjamin”. With the help of Google maps, the picture above shows the relation-map of DUSTbar. More details: Alphabet
Meanwhile, letters (mails) also hide the intimate relationship between two. As the sand storm blows, DUSTbar sends the letters to each letter on the “Alphabet”. Open it to see how the memories/emotions are left in photos/words.
When will the dust fly to your home?

时间 posted on: 10 March 2012 |
发布者 author: cc |
comments (3) |
分类 filed under: DUSTbar, 交流 communication, 信件 post, 字母 letter, 定位 mapping, 网络 network, 项目 project

制作已花费了很长时间,我们一直在努力将已有的资源整合并分享,现在是收获的季节 啦:
www.homeshop.org.cn 或者 www.homeshopbeijing.org 。
It’s been a long time in the making, but here we are, an attempt to gather together and share some of what we do:
www.homeshop.org.cn or www.homeshopbeijing.org.
There’s a lot of space in-between; please visit and stick around…
Go ahead and click on the link to visit HomeShop’s brand new website, then take a small walk around the room, do some stretching exercises or make tea; this website is a work-in-progress, and—like all good things—takes time…
But don’t let that stop us from multi-tasking——Michael, 何颖雅 Elaine, Fotini, 欧阳潇 Xiao, 曲一箴 Twist, 植村 絵美 Emi and 王尘尘 Cici at HomeShop wish you all fierce flights and a happy Dragon year.
时间 posted on: 22 January 2012 |
发布者 author: 家作坊 HomeShop |
评论 comment (0) |
分类 filed under: dragons, 交流 communication, 定位 mapping, 网络 network, 设计 design, 跟踪 tracing

《你吃了吗?》是一篇有关农业以及食品生产和消费的艺术家实践汇编。本汇编相当于一个 数据库,其目的是帮助人们收集,对比,和学习这些艺术家的实践,意图,方法,社会网络。它是一 个正在进行中的列表,这一列表是在中国的语境和可获得的信息条件下为《市集/Country Fair》项目 所做的。但它也寻求这类实践的国际信息。本汇编在网络和市集上都可以找到。 因为这类艺术实践在现代艺术中谈及的较少,所以本数据库是很有必要的。颇具讽刺的是可及性还是许多这类艺术 家的项目所关注的。泛泛地说,虽然这些艺术实行常常跟本地环境、经济和社会体 系有关,但是它们大部分也关系到共有知识网络,在许多情况下 也巧妙地,综合地使用了科技手段。 当 然,艺术家个人网站上的信息是更深入的;《你吃了吗?》只是走近他们工作的一个切入点 。
“Have you eaten yet?” is a collection of artist practices that work with farming and food production and consumption. It is meant as a database to find, compare and learn from these art practices, and their intentions, their methods, their networks. This is an ongoing list being compiled for the project Country Fair, within the context of China and the information available here, but it seeks to connect information of these practices internationally. It is presented online as well as at each Country Fair.
请访问! Please visit!
时间 posted on: 16 August 2011 |
发布者 author: michael eddy |
评论 comment (0) |
分类 filed under: archive, distribution, 网络 network, 耕作 farming, 艺术 art, 集市 country fair, 食物 food

下一次市集将和小毛驴市民农园合作,作为他们4月16 日开锄节的配套活动同时举行。届时将有20多家北京本地的农户、食品作坊、环保和三农NGO、艺术家和音乐家前来参加。您不但可以买到健康、有机、环保的农产品,还可以品尝到我们用有机食材制作的中西式美食、甜品和饮料(数量有限,欢迎您自带餐具)。同时,您还能在市集上了解与食品安全、环保、可持续生活相关的信息,让您吃得更放心,生活更低碳。市集志愿者的小厨房收入将会捐给日本和云南盈江地震灾区。欢迎您来市集了解更多我们在两地合作的NGO的工作。
集市/Country Fair
时间:2011年4月16日星期六 上午10点至下午4点
电话:010—62460405(小毛驴市民农园),134 0105 6422(中文)/ 136 9363 9394 (English /日文)
微博:北京有机农夫市集 (
This month, Country Fair is being held during Little Donkey Farm’s Spring Planting Festival! We are inviting local farmers, artisans, environmental NGOs, and art and music collectives for another fantastic exchange event. Come for the market and stay for all of the activities – workshops, demonstrations, kids’ classes, and even a field day – at Little Donkey’s festival! Please join and share your experiences so that we can keep this event growing together. And remember to bring your own bowl and utensils to sample fresh, homemade organic treats. Part of the proceeds of the sale at the Country Fair will go to earthquake relief efforts in Japan and Yunnan Province. Please come to the Fair and learn more about the NGOs we are working with.
集市/Country Fair
Beijing Farmers Market
April 16th Sat, 2011 10:00 a.m.~16:00 p.m.
Address: Little Donkey Farm
West of Houshajian Village, Sujiatuo Zhen, Haidian District, Beijing
Phone:010—62460405(Little Donkey Farm),134 0105 6422(CH)/ 136 9363 9394 (EN /JP)
If you plan to drive to the Country Fair and have extra seat in your car, you are most welcome to give other people a ride. Please go to our Weibo and Douban to publicize your information.
Weibo: http://t.sina.com.cn/1918547924
Douban: http://www.douban.com/event/13743609/
Beijing Farm Map: http://pangbianr.com/farmmap.html
芳嘉园 Fangjia Farm
圣林生态农庄 Sun Lin Farm
凤凰公社 Phoenix Commune
小毛驴市民农园 Little Donkey Farm
德润屋生态环境科技中心 De Run Wo
天福园有机农业 God’s Grace Garden
特奥愛心农庄 Special Commune
国仁绿色联盟 Ground Green Union
北京布乐奶酪坊 Le Fromager de Pekin
手土义坊 Shou Tu Yi Fang
谢睿慈 Lily HSIEH (厨余垃圾堆肥 EM compost)
瀚海沙 Han Hai Sha
全球和平妇女 Peace Women Across the Globe
緑色和平/ Green Peace
自然之友 Friends of Nature
达尔问自然求知社 Green Beagle
农业与贸易政策研究所 Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
集市厨房 Country Fair Kitchen
日历餐厅 Calendar Restaurant
小V Little V (素食餐厅)
旁边儿 Pangbianr
家作坊 HomeShop
and more
/// 联系方式 ///
北京有机农夫市集 Country Fair
电话:134 0105 6422(中文/English)/ 136 9363 9394 (日文/ English)
时间 posted on: 15 April 2011 |
发布者 author: michael eddy |
comment (1) |
分类 filed under: 网络 network, 集市 country fair, 食物 food

时间:2011年3月12日星期六 上午10点至下午3点 (3点ー圆桌会议)
地点:Studio-X Beijing 北京东城区安定门内大街方家胡同46, A103
交通:地铁5号线北新桥站A出口;地铁5号线,2号线 雍和宫站D出口 ; 地铁2号线安定门站B出口
<< Beijing Farmers Market >>
Come and meet the farmers who grow your food.
Enjoy food and drinks made from local products.
March 12th Sat, 2011 10:00 a.m. ~15:00 p.m. (15:00~ round table discussion)
Address: Studio-X Beijing A103, 46 Fangjia Hutong, Andingmen Inner Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China, 100007
Subway: Line5 Beixinqiao station Exit A ; Line5 and 2 Yonghegong station Exit D; Line2 Andingmen Exit B
Beijing Farm Map: http://pangbianr.com/farmmap.html
芳嘉园 Fangjia Farm
圣林生态农庄 Sun Lin Farm
凤凰公社 Phoenix Commune
小毛驴市民农园 Little Donkey Farm
德润屋生态环境科技中心 De Run Wo
国仁绿色联盟 Ground Green Union
北京布乐奶酪坊 Le Fromager de Pekin
瀚海沙 Han Hai Sha
手土义坊 Shou Tu Yi Fang
薛倩 Xue Qian
(茶艺展示) 全球和平妇女 Peace Women Across the Globe
謝睿慈 Lily HSIEH (廚餘回收變黃金 EM compost)
日历餐厅 Calendar Restaurant
旁边儿 Pangbianr
家作坊 HomeShop
农业与贸易政策研究所 Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
…以及更多 and more
/// 联系方式 ///
电话:134 0105 6422(中文)/ 136 9363 9394 (English)
豆瓣 Douban:http://www.douban.com/event/13499133/
时间 posted on: 2 March 2011 |
发布者 author: michael eddy |
comment (1) |
分类 filed under: 网络 network, 集市 country fair, 食物 food
来来找我们!Come and find us!

“接头暗箱”是一个线下互传文件共享网络。 那你可以将任何你想共享的文件放入这个“接头暗箱”盘中,也可以从这里下载任何你 感兴趣的东西。想了解更多的信息、评论,以及全世界的“接头暗箱”联盟,你可以登录:http://deaddrops.com。
Dead Drops is an offline peer to peer file sharing network in public. Drop any files you want on this drive. Download any files you find here which look interesting to you. For more information, comments and a map on all dead drops world wide please go to: http://deaddrops.com.
此台Dead Drop的创建者为:家作坊,2010年12月
This Dead Drop was installed by: HomeShop, December 2010
DISCLAIMER: For everything you do you are responsible yourself!
时间 posted on: 18 December 2010 |
发布者 author: e |
comments (3) |
分类 filed under: 接头暗箱 deaddrop, 网络 network, 项目 project