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Posts tagged ‘穿 wear’

摄影 photo__ 七朵云 Pilar ESCUDER


摄影 photo__ 七朵云 Pilar ESCUDER


 问卷(随机选取):你做过最有种的事情是什么? What is the most ballsy thing you’ve ever done?

  1. fall in love, although it’s painful, really painful 
  2. punching someone in the face after they had been bullying me
  3. 有种!生个小孩?结婚?不读书?打架?最有种莫过于在十来岁偷了家里的十块钱,至今想,起心惊肉跳呢!
爱了  falling in love
  6. told my female colleague when I knew that she was straight that I was in love with her
  7. 当我还是六岁的小姑娘,不小心进了男厕所
  8. going into the men’s room when I was a 6 year-old cute girl
  9. went car surfing with my friend while they were drunk
I ended a friendship
  11. 坚持我自己的生活方式  to keep my way to live

现场对话 from the evening’s discussion__

问卷朗读 ballsy answer__“坚持我自己的生活方式 to keep my way to live”

解释__ 坚持自己的生活方式不是一件很容易的事,有时坚持自己需要勇气,比如有时我们会想我这样做别人会怎么想我?这样做我会失去什么吗?我对莎士比亚的名言 “to be or not to be, that is the question” 的理解是坚持自我还是不坚持自我,to be what I am, or not to be what I am 那是一个问题。

问__ 那你觉得你知道你自己是什么吗?

答__ 我不知道我自己是什么,但我清楚地知道我的意愿will是什么,意愿来源于我们的种子,我们是你的种子,敢于坚持是我所是是, 是为“有种”大多数人都是在盲目跟随主流

问__ 那你怎么知道你没有被洗脑?

答__ 一个有种的人有明确的强烈意志,你是没有办法把他洗脑的,他明确地知道他自己要去哪里,能被洗脑的人其实没有脑,也没有种。


场外对话 from a later discussion__

曲__ 我们还接着Celine昨天那个话题谈吧,我想再让你谈一下泛二和有种的区别, 谈谈你对“有种”的解释,我对你的解释比较感兴趣,你昨天不是问我们大家在昨天的对话中有没有听到过一种以前从来没听到过的对有种的解释吗?你昨天的解释是我以前没听到过的一种解释
欧阳__ 喔,就是通过对某种技能,技艺的完善,对于某种完全偶然性的敞开,是吗?
曲__ 对偶然性的敞开是什么意思?
欧阳__ 第一个层次它是对偶然性的减少嘛,一个相对来说的控制嘛,对偶然性的控制,这也就是技艺本身嘛,技艺本身是对偶然性的控制
曲__ 那是不是我说的那种“猝然临之而不惊”
欧阳__ 这可以看看做是……心理……也是一种技巧……
曲__ 可以说是境界吗?一种猝然临之而不惊的境界
欧阳__ 也可以说是一种境界。有的人只有在做这件事时有这个境界,有的人呢,在做什么事时都能到这个境界。
曲__ 整体境界

欧阳__ 对呀,整体境界,这个境界你可以把它用在生活中的各个方面,很多方面吧,不能说各个方面。待人接物,对于各种没想到的事物的反应,这都能反射出来,有一个故事说,有一个茶师,一个泡茶的人,专门做茶道的人,桌的特别好,有一天,莫名其妙,有个武士非要和他比武,他很害怕,因为从来没有比过呀,那个武士肯定会把他干掉的嘛,他特别害怕,惶惶不可终日,后来呢,他的一个好朋友问他怎么啦,他说“有人要和我决斗”然后他的朋友想了想说“这样吧,决斗时你别把这件事想成是决斗,你就把它想成是泡茶就行了,你泡茶时候什么状态,你决斗时侯就什么状态就行了”,然后他说“ok”他这么一说他有点明白了,然后在决斗当天他站在武士对面,完全进入到他泡茶的状态,气定神闲,特别稳,特别静,往那一站,特别稳,特别静,武士不敢拔刀,认输而去。所以有的人可以在特殊技艺上达到这个境界,有些人在生活的很多境遇上都能达到这一境遇,有这种能力,这是第一点,第二点呢,这是一种控制,一种对自身的控制,完善自身的技巧,这种完善自身饿技巧是对偶然性的减少,把握。
曲__ 减少偶然性是什么意思?
欧阳__ 是庄子还是列子里边有个故事:说有个人学射箭,又一次他莫名其妙地射到了箭靶心上了,他就很高兴地去找老师,老师问他”你知道你是怎么射中的吗?他说 “我不知道” 老师说“那等你知道你怎么射到靶心上的时候再来找我吧”这样他就回去不断地练,后来怎终于知道了怎么能射到把心上。他第一次射中是偶然性,但如果能够箭箭都能射到把心上那就不是偶然性了,就是一种必然性了。这是第一步,第一步是对偶然性的控制和掌握,对于必然性的开发。第二个境界就是你开发到一定程度了,到了你可以完全控制偶然性了的时候,你会反思,反思为什么控制,为什么要去做这件事,你总要有一个愿意去做他。比如说一个人学射箭的原因是为了更好地杀敌,一个运动员练跑步是为了破纪录,这些都有个为什么。这个为什么就能确定你是不是能做的很好。这个 为什么他永远指向的是一个系统,一个标准,一套衡量价值的系,只有通过这个体系,你才能有自我价值,也是这个体系要求你去控制偶然性。没有体系谁去控制呀?没有战争谁去练射箭呀,没有奥运会谁去打破记录啊?就是一套价值体系吗。有一个体系就有一个评判自身价值的标准了。通过偶然性的建立达到对偶然性的减少。这个标准的建立本身就是对偶然性的减少,英文里的mastery, to master some thing,掌握,掌控,主人嘛,这件事的主人嘛。对自我控制的提升就减少了偶然性。体系要求你去控制自己。用艺术体操能把这件事说得更清楚,其实艺术体操所做的每一个动作不接就是那么一个动作吗,但是他对每一个动作的要求都是很严格的,你必须达到它的标准,在做某个动作时你必须达到胳膊伸展到多少度,腿伸展到多少度,比如说跳鞍马,下鞍马时你必须很稳定地落地,不能打趔趄,不能晃动,这都是嘛。运动时对这个东西的最好说明。
曲__ 那也就是说是外界事物对你的挑战,是吗?
曲__ 按照体系做的人不一定都能问为什么,对吧?这里边很少的人能问为什么,是吧?
欧阳__ 那当然了,到一定程度你就可以问为什么了,这时候不仅仅是问为什么,而且还要问自己为什么这样做。这时候你已经被这个东西改变了。这时候会有一个转换,从为什么做,到如何做,通过问什么做的不同层次的体悟,到最终回来影响你怎么做。
曲__ 那有没有可能通过问完为什么以后不做了?
欧阳__ 也有可能啊,鲁迅不是问完为什么学医以后就不学医了嘛。很有可能问完为什么做以后就不做了。但,也很有可能问完为什么做以后就完全用另一种方法做了。不管如何吧,这个时候,你问完这个问题之后,再回到如何做这个基本操作层面上来的时候,你就有可能改变整个体系了。但是有的时候你不必脑子里很清楚地问出来为什么。有的时候一会不知不觉地达到这一境界,所以我才用沃尔特的例子

曲__ 你是说不一定用语言去问,也可以用行动去问。

欧阳__ 对,尤其运动员,他不会去问为什么
曲__ 有时他的行为也回答了问什么,你说是吧

欧阳__ 那当然,那当然,你可以说一个思想者他可以通过对问什么做哲学这件事的反复思考,反映到他的哲学中去,这时他必须用语言做,但一个运动员他不用啊,他在做的同时就已经改变了如何做。
曲__ 你认为这是“有种”
欧阳__ 以为这时已经不仅仅是你自己的种子了,你把这个体系本身的种子也开发出来了,这才是有种啊,当你超越自身的时候影响到体系了,或者说当自身和体系同时被超越的时候,同时被你改变的时候才是有种

曲__ 那你的这个有种和有胆量有关系吗?
欧阳__ 胆量啊…我觉得有关系,以为在你提出问题之前体制对你来说一直起着一个规范性作用,它是金科玉律,不可更改啊,弹钢琴必须这么弹。

曲__ 那就是说有种者会自觉不自觉地挑战体系是吧?

欧阳__ 体系这个东西最开始对你来说是个约束嘛,没有约束你是到不了这个个体塑造的,只有约束,极为严格的约束你才能达到一个境界,
曲__ 那按照你这个标准创新是有种的?

欧阳__ 啊,对,创新肯定是有种的。很重要的有种
曲__ 那你是说从被控制,到游刃有余,这里有没有你常用的那个词“溢出”?
欧阳__ 啊,对,是啊,有啊,这个杯子只有到满了才能溢出去嘛,不到满你怎么溢啊? 这个溢出来的东西才是最牛的。所以我说波尔特的那一刻就是溢出,这里提出了一个问题,就是说奥运会除了破纪录之外还可不可能是什么别的?
曲__ 你说的有种和胆量有关系吗?有的胆量需要冒生命之危险,有的胆量要冒名利之危险…
欧阳__ 对,对,是这样的,你想,波尔特后边有多少个赞助商啊,他几秒打破这个记录牵扯到多少人的利益呢,这只是一个稍微弱点的例子,稍微强一点的例子就是刘翔,但是刘翔不是一个有种的例子,他是一个最没种的例子,他是一个有种的反面教材啊
曲__ 对,对,对,说说,说说,这和刘翔有什么关系?
欧阳__ 他有对这个东西的控制,他有自我身体的塑造这都有了,但是当他问自己为什么要跑步的时候,当他有机会改变这个系统本身的时候,他不但没有去改变这个事情,反而加剧了这个系统的复杂性了,波尔特也许也就有几个赞助商赞助他,但是没有政治维度嘛,刘翔他跑与不跑牵扯到谁的利益,牵扯到那个国家的利益,他连跑都跑不了了,他两次跑不了了

大川__ 压力太大了
欧阳__ 不是压力太大了,第一次状态极差,就必须以某种姿态退下来了,第二次也是啊,都是怕他得不了冠军,这种神话的破灭

曲__ 那你说他的这两次全是表演?

欧阳__ 啊,是啊,如果是表演的话,如果不是表演在另说,如果是表演这是最没种的嘛,如果都是一种作秀的话
曲__ 那就是说他完全被这个体制控制了?
欧阳__ 对完全控制了,这是最可怕的,他自己的内心可能还挣扎,很痛苦,但是他没办法,对吧?

曲__ 好,现在我们在回到有种和犯二的区别这一话题,智慧肯定能产生胆量,但胆量也不一定仅仅来源于智慧,有的人就是什么都不怕,有智慧的大胆是有种,没有智慧的大胆是犯二……

欧阳__ 但有感情啊,见义勇为,你不用太有主会的人也可以见义勇为啊,见义勇为就是感情,智慧必须有感情维度嘛,所以我更愿意用敞开这个词,智慧和情感最后要结到敞开嘛,
曲__ 什么叫敞开?是一种境界?
欧阳__ 啊,对,是一种境界,这个境界是每一个人都可以达到的
曲__ 敞开的境界每一个人都可以达到?
欧阳__ 对啊,不同的情景有不同的敞开啊,或者说生活中没有产公开你是没法活的,你肯定是在某些方面你是有着不同程度的敞开的,比如说现在有仪的人来说大川,给我一万块钱,他肯定不会给的,但是如果他的儿子病了,他肯定会给的,你不敞开你是没法活的,但我说的那种敞开是在你不能的时候你耗能敞开,比如说,如果说正有人来说王大川借我一万块钱,我妈妈病了,他确实不认识这个人,但还是能给他一万块钱,这是一种……

曲__ 难能可贵的敞开

欧阳__ 对,一种难能可贵的敞开,我觉得他这么做就是有种的
曲__ 那现在有种比较清楚了,你的“有种”比较清楚了,就是说某种难能可贵的敞开就是“有种”

欧阳__ 那你现在要说犯二?

material captured during our Saturday deliveries of WEAR journal in Beijing city, otherwise known as 217.6 km later…:

早上 9:30 AM | 吴思远 Ray & 高灵 Ling | 菊儿胡同 Ju’er Hutong、左家庄 Zuojiazhuang、汉庭酒店(东直门外分店)HanTing Express Hotel (Dongzhimen Outer branch)

早上 10:00 AM | 何颖雅 Elaine & 小欧 Orianna | 清华大学美院 Tsinghua University, Fine Arts Department

早上 11:00 AM | 天汲 Tianji & 左罗 Zoro | 东直门外大街 Dongzhimen Outer Street

中午 12:00 PM | 王尘尘 Cici & 王大川 River | 东四八条 Dongsi8tiao、地安门 Dianmen、旧宫地铁站 Jiu Gong subway station

下午 1:00 PM | 高蓓 GAO Bei & 七朵云 Pilar | 苹果派社区 (东5和6环之间) Apple Pie Estates (between the 5th and 6th East Ring Roads)

下午 1:30 PM | 王若思 Rose & 森林 Céline | 望京 Wangjing、草厂地 Caochangdi

下午 2:00 PM | 欧阳潇 Xiao & 小欧 Orianna | 幸福西里 Xingfu Xili、东直门内 Dongzhimen Inner Street

下午 3:00 PM | 曲一箴 Twist & Katharina | 鼓楼西大街 Drum Tower West、鼓楼后面 Drum Tower North、鼓楼东大街 Drum Tower East

下午 3:00 PM | 张献民 Frank & 何颖雅 Elaine | 卢沟桥 Marco Polo Bridge、东五道口 Wudaokou、奥林匹克公园北门 North Gate of Olympic Park


有种. 你有种ING. 有你的吗?

                                  Do you have yours yet? 



北京外的朋友们 ——> 含邮费寄到 亚洲欧洲和北美 ! 到其它地方
For friends outside of Beijing ——> order with shipping to Asia Europe or N. Americaother places

在北京的铁哥们儿/姐们儿 ——> 立刻订!68 元/本免费快递 (细阅以下内容)
And for those lucky yous in the rings of Beijing ——> order NOW! RMB 68 with free delivery (see below for details)
[别忘啊,留您的姓名、地址、联系电话、递送时间和杂志数量——谢谢支持! Make sure you include # of copies, name, address, phone number, delivery time.]


穿》第三期终于出来了,像个斯巴达勇士,穿的不多,但浑身腱子肉。因此它更具穿透力,穿插在不同的系统,话语与现实之间。与其它表里不一的 出版物不同(多数的杂志 封面材料与内容页不同),每期《穿》的装帧设计都很丢脸(即试图将自身的面目在表里的模糊中丢掉)。言归正传,本期的《穿》围绕“你有种”这一时髦用语,从批判理论,微观政治与艺术生产三个方向娓娓道来:有种即种子于某主体中的存在但它在日常交流中所具有的“有胆色”,“胆子大”等含义却不可避免地把主体的边界和限制打破在从内在的“有”向外在的行动或行为的运动中达成了自身作为种子的生长。因此它不仅是一系列滚雪球活动(如种子炸弹,城市探险等)的发射台,更是一个在影评人,有机市集发起人与艺术行动主义者等个体间展开的关于中国当代境遇的讨论的潜在节点。

WEAR journal finally arrives to its third issue in spartan outfit: double-pleated, DIY and pretty much naked. Following the first two issues’ design of a coverless magazine about urban dress, this issue thinks about the fashionable phrase “你有种 nǐ yŏu zhŏng” in a few of the other realms where HomeShop likes to dwell: critical theory, micropolitics and artistic production. “有种 yŏu zhŏng“—literally meaning “to have seed” and metaphorically insinuating that one is ballsy or daring—becomes here more than a launchpad for a series of rolling activities (like seed bombing or urban exploring); it is also the point of potential from which the likes of a film critic, organic market organizers and artist-activists engage in a context-specific dialogue on the global realities at play in China.

9/10Vincent BONIN小欧 Orianna CACCHIONE马艾迪 Michael EDDYAndrea FRANCKE高灵 GAO LingAlex GIBBS何颖雅 Elaine W. HO静远 JING洛歌 Gordon LAURINFotini LAZARIDOU-HATZIGOGA麦巅 MAI DianAn Xiao MINAJeremy O’SULLIVAN欧阳潇 OUYANG Xiao曲一箴 QU YizhenStephanie ROTHENBERG植村絵美 Emi UEMURA王尘尘 Cici WANG王念华 Dan S. WANG张献民 ZHANG Xianmin子杰 ZI Jie




 and on Saturday, 20 October 
            from 10 am to 10 pm  
receive wear journal’s free personal delivery service 

为庆祝《穿》杂志第三期成功出版,下个星期家作坊果断决定拓展我们的业务覆盖范围。作为本期杂志中城市探险系列的延伸,我们会无所不用其极地将杂志送到您的门前。无论是步行,骑车,坐地铁还是直接空降,只要您在北京,我们就会想办法兑现这个承诺。当然,城市的边界十分难以判定,但对于边界的挑战正是有种的精髓。 您能让我们跑多远呢?

Next weekend, HomeShop will celebrate WEAR number three with a continuation of the urban explorations that are featured in the issue. This time our happy adventurers are coming right to your doorstep to personally courier the new issue to you. Friendly agents will walk, bike, ride the subway or fly to you anywhere in Beijing, and where that city limit may be a bit fuzzy, of course stretching the limits is what ballsy is all about. How far will you make us go?

请立即订购!我们将在10月20日在您指定的时间范围内将杂志送到。我们途中的所见所闻都将被记录下来并在21日举行的《穿》三出版仪式上与前来参与活动的嘉宾们分享。届时我们还将组织视频与音频放映,《穿》参与者现场讨论等单元的活动。 让我们共度美好周末,周六你家,周日俺家。心动了吧?既无公害又批判又行动主义又文艺范儿十足。《穿》——nubility level:high

Place your order now and we’ll deliver WEAR to you on Saturday, 20 October, within your specified time frame. All of these trips will be documented in some way and the results will be shared at the launch celebration on Sunday, 21 October (from 4pm). We’ll be screening audio/video excerpts and engaging in spontaneous dialogue with you and many of the contributors on hand. Let’s spend the weekend together, your place on Saturday, and ours on Sunday. Sexy, eh? No! It’s organic and critical and activist and arty. Hurrah for WEAR!


抢先订购的朋友还将受到惊喜小礼包哦! And the first eight people to place an order will receive an additional surprise~

Update你一下… Just a few updates…

谢谢美国《Art Papers》杂志批评家Jason WAITE的9月份报告!文章可以在这里下载
HomeShop landed a few pages in the latest issue of Art Papers magazine—thank you, Jason WAITE! Download a PDF of the article here.

WEAR journal number three is now finally in print! More information coming soon, but starting this week, you can also just come and get it.

To welcome the new school year, the Ten Thousand Item Treasury will soon be featuring selected items from the collection, hand-picked by members of the library. We’re a bit backlogged on new items, but expect at least 100 new books, DVDs and other paraphernalia to join the library soon~

The Lijiang Studio mural stories book launch was held a few weeks ago (hurrah to Lisa and Jay and that heavy Yunnan concoction), and HomeShop will continue to carry copies of the book for hushed exchange to anyone who’s interested in purchasing. Contact or come by…

第二期北京城市农业联合会的工作坊由Ayumi MATSUZAKA主持,她在家作坊的屋顶上向我们介绍了一些很好的DIY收集堆肥的窍门,还与我们分享了她参加的一个为期一年的“大便和蔬菜循环收获”的项目~ 依爷!!!
The second meeting of the Beijing Urban Farmers’ Union was graciously led by Ayumi MATSUZAKA, who took our farmers up to the roof to learn more about home composting, extended cycles of harvesting poo and vegetables and more.

家作坊的第一次“愤怒管理”课不久前在草厂地哪里哪里空间举办。受艺术家郭颢之邀,观众可以在他的个展开幕日用竹棒捶打我们的手工艺品“品牙塔”(不过没想到我们的“半空半满 悲观乐观计量杯”实在是太结实了,承受了十多个猛击者的猛烈捶打之后才破开,并最终暴露出它的秘密们…
The first HomeShop anger management course took place as part of GUO Hao’s exhibition at Where Where space in Caochangdi, where guests were invited to slam our piñata with a splitting bamboo stick. The steadfast half-empty half-full pessimist-optimist measuring cup bore the weight of many a clobber, however, and it wasn’t until about ten batters later that it finally caved in and revealed its many secrets…

HomeShop is super happy to welcome art historian PhD student Orianna back to Beijing and the HomeShop workspace after a short visit to throw baseballs at Prada stores in the U.S. of A (more about that in Wear journal number three) last year. She is currently sharing the space with SugarJar‘s Lao YANG, Pilar and new co-workers Katharina, Ray and Shannon.

夏去秋来,白昼渐短,家作坊也将配合季节的转换,慢慢缩短我们的开放时间,准备进入今年的冬眠。当然始终欢迎大家过来,但是为了避免你白跑一趟,建议来之前先给我们这些熊孩子们打个电话 010 8403 0952 预个约~ 不然谁愿意在大冷天儿里爬起来呢?吼吼⋯⋯
We’re getting ready for winter hibernation and it’s about time for a slow down. HomeShop will shorten its opening hours to match the days, so while dropping by is always welcome, you might not always find us here. Call us before you come to make sure we’re in~ 010 8403 0952


这种勇气本身影射着某种集体性,或在聚集与集中过程中滚雪球般的集体构建,“有种”是对于运动状态的描摹,意指自我在形成过程中的潜在能动,而非目标,即阿纲本的“潜力(之所以为力)之力”。 它以某混淆者的方式出场,对理解进行阻挠。与简单的自我满足相比,我们应将这种并置设想为一种在聚合中对内部与外部不做明显划分的共在(being-with, Mitsein)。因此“有种”必须是自我之概念形成与自我游离的重叠——即外在于内在中。我们是运动中的身体,并在运动中向身体运动,寻找着作为惊喜的不同与自由。就让我们的自治如是吧,即便这种自治是从某成文系统之中的绽出。暗示,惊喜。


了解更多《穿》杂志的信息,请查看这份PDF文件。 作为北京胡同中的一个项目空间而运作的家作坊经过反思,决定《穿》杂志将保持对本地的高度重视。 因着相似的实践、斗争和方法,“本地”的概念扩大至更广阔的范围,即通过链接、社区和共识审视日常生活和微型地域。我们期待您的消息。

Our ballsiness is a long time in the making. The crux of such a statement is cruxless, one thousand layers of pancake and complexity pickings through and through. One time last last summer, a spontaneous dialogue of seed erupted in quick, excited interpretation. Innuendos. But ballsiness sticks to the gut, and now we’re finally brave enough to say let’s try and put it all together.

Such bravery connotes a certain form of collectivity, as in concentrations or assemblages—the snowball rolling—but it is perhaps the making collective that comes to greater light here, as our call to “ballsy” is moreso a tracing of movement rather than a static form. Ballsy describes a potentiality in the same moment that it moves towards, not an ends but the constitution of itself as such, Agamben’s “potenza as potenza”. This occurs as a frustrating ‘ambiguitor’ of sorts. No mere self-satisfaction, we should consider the juxtaposition as a being-with that defines neither an interior nor an exterior in its coming together. Ballsy can only be the coincidence of the conceptual formation of the self along with its own departure—as in going beyond, extrinsically intrinsic. We are moving bodies, moving towards bodies and our own without end, finding difference and/or freedom as surprise. Let our autonomy then be as such, even in acknowledgement of those codified systems, still gifted as ecstasis. Innuendos. Surprise.

You are invited to submit a proposal for a contribution to the third issue of the independent journal wear. A broad spectrum of publishable formats are welcome in consideration of this issue’s heading theme: BALLSY. If you are interested to contribute, please contact HomeShop by 10 December with a 300-word description of your ideas, including the length and scope (e.g., medium, relation to the theme, etc.) of your proposed contribution. Guidelines for final submissions will be determined by the wear editors after selection. Final submission deadline is 22 January 2011.

For more information about wear journal, please download this PDF document. wear maintains a strong emphasis on the local, stemming from HomeShop’s reflections and work as a project space in the hutongs of Beijing. These considerations of the local extend geography to a larger scale, whereby parallel practices, struggles and approaches examine the daily and the micro-scale, through links, communities and common ground. We look forward to hearing from you.

>>  这周末《穿》杂志到了台北牯嶺街参加第十屆牯嶺街創意書香市集!估计我们的杂志正随着一辆三轮车在四处转悠,看见的话帮我们打个叫呼~
>>  This weekend WEAR journal is in Taipei for the 2010 Guling Street Independent Art Book Fair, we believe traveling on a cart somewhere. Keep a look out.

>>  《穿》杂志近期进入了两个新国际书店:伦敦的Donlon Books和维也纳的Walther König分店。非常感谢我们的快递人Michael EDDY植村絵美Ulrike JOHANNSEN
>>  Two new international stockists: Donlon Books, London, and Walther König, Wien. Thank you to our gentle couriers Michael EDDY, Emi UEMURA and Ulrike JOHANNSEN~

>>  《艺术典藏》杂志9-10月期登载了一篇关于“小运动”的文章。家作坊被收录其中,谢谢卢迎华~
>>  HomeShop was recently featured in the September/October issue of Yishu Journal of Contemporary Art. Check out Carol Yinghua LU’s “Little Movements”.

家作坊的何颖雅近来引起了《ArtForum》的关注,Jocko认为《ArtForum》并不酷,而Jenni认为我们到了艺术内圈。哇~ Orz

《穿》杂志近期进入了这些国际书店:Art Metropole的阅览室(加拿大多伦多),The Book Society (韩国首尔)和Detritus(美国纽黑文)。

Elaine from HomeShop was recently quoted in ArtForum’s “500 Words”. Jocko says ArtForum is not cool, Jenni says you’re on your way…

WEAR journal is most recently available for viewing/purchase here: Art Metropole‘s reading room (Toronto), The Book Society (Seoul) and Detritus (New Haven).

Pangbian’r的 Josh Feola 带着《穿》杂志开始了他长路漫漫的夏季公路旅行,从纽约到波士顿再到大峡谷和德克萨斯,他用他的双手将《穿》杂志传递给了 Printed Matter (纽约), the Harvard Bookstore (剑桥) and Domy Books (休斯敦)⋯⋯真是太厉害了!谢谢你,Josh!

Pangbian’r‘s Josh Feola treks WEAR on a summer road trip through New York, Boston, the Grand Canyon and Texas, hand delivering the journal to Printed Matter (NYC), the Harvard Bookstore (Cambridge) and Domy Books (Houston)… Looking good, thank you, Josh!

Visual artist Ulrike Johannsen has just put her feet up! We welcome her for summer residency at HomeShop.

BALLSY exercise number three: Freshly made seed bombs created by farmer Emi UEMURA and her assistants are now available for hitting the city. Please contact Emi or HomeShop if you are interested to get some for free.

WEAR journal will be featured at the Tokyo Art Book Fair this weekend. Thank you to Futoshi MIYAGI, whom we recently rediscovered after our days in New York, now back in Japan and working with the fair.

There are two large shipments of WEAR journal that have been reported missing between the Beijing- Berlin and Beijing-Los Angeles routes! If you happen to see them or have any pertinent information about their whereabouts, please let us know.

In the meantime, we are happy to report the most recent stockists of WEAR worldwide:

random tidbits and news, all the engagements around the “real” activity:

>> 家作坊《穿》杂志的“DIY发行计划”已经开始了!《穿》已经通过我们亲爱的邮递员从北京来到了上海(感谢Ed!),鹿特丹(谢谢你,Michael Y!),柏林(再次感谢Michael Y!),纽约(感谢Qingqing,Josh和Jocko!),多伦多(感谢Barbara和Stephanie!),还有日内瓦(谢谢飞雅!)。上面的图片是背着我们家作坊“户外/室内两用包”的飞雅在徒步行走的样子,包包里面你们知道装的是什么!有人要即将进行旅游吗?想得到一个“户外/室内两用包”吗?我们需要您强健的臂膀和支持!快联系并加入我们的队伍吧!

>> CPU:PRO的Edward Sanderson最近到访了家作坊并和我们中的一些人有过一次简短的讨论,这是他正在进行的中国“非主流”艺术空间考察项目的一部分,这里是我们的谈话记录。

>> 经过了漫长的拖延和等待,最新一期的关注与艺术与当代公共空间的《公共》杂志终于出版发行了,何颖雅 和Sean Smith在这期杂志上发布了一篇讨论我们2008奥运会期间的公共介入的文章。

>> 最近在家作坊听到了有人说:“我爱你家?那是个错误!” 您自己过来跟我们不专业但是很认真的房屋中介谈一下确认吧!《我爱你家》现在还在继续展出中。

>> HomeShop’s DIY distribution scheme is well underway, with copies of wear journal traveling via friendly couriers from Beijing to Shanghai (thank you, Ed!), Rotterdam (thank you, Michael Y!), Berlin (thank you again, Michael Y!), New York (thank you, Qingqing and Josh and Jocko!), Toronto (thank you Barbara & Stephanie!) and Geneva (thank you, Bea!). Pictured above is our very own Beatrice Ferrari trekking with the HomeShop in-and-out-of-house bag, filled with you-know-what. Any of you all travelling anytime soon? Want an in-and-out-of-house bag? We need your muscular arms and support. Please contact us to participate!

>> CPU:PRO‘s Edward Sanderson recently came by and had a short discussion with some of us as part of his ongoing research into “alternative” art spaces in China. See the transcript of our talk here.

>> After much delay, the latest issue of Public Journal has been published, devoted to the screen in art and contemporary public space. Elaine W. Ho and Sean Smith contribute with an article discussing our interventions during the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

And recently overheard at HomeShop: “我爱你家?那是个错误! I Love Your Home? Now that’s wrong!” Come speak with our lovely agents, 《我爱你家 I Love Your Home》now still on view.

This is a sound walk that 谢婷婷 Hailey Xie and i made in January, seven days after another big snow storm in Beijing. It was originally intended as material for the second issue of wear journal, but it felt a pity to turn all of these sounds into text-only format. We ended up leaving it out, though now in light of a recent conversation with Bruno and Hlynur in Buenos Aires, we could imagine the winter again.

I am walking with the ZOOM H4n digital recorder with built-in mics (now panned for left ear), Haxi is using a minidisc player and Sound Professionals in-ear binaural mics (now panned for right ear). If you listen carefully you’ll hear some things in a strangely layered effect, though i’m sorry though to say, i’ve destroyed the binaural in putting our tracks together. Here’s from the doorstep of HomeShop to the edge of the alleyway, before everything gets lively. Download the mp3 version [256kb/s, 11.4 mb] here.

When I was exporting the file for this, somehow the file became corrupted and time-stretched… Thought some of you might enjoy that, too.